Sunday, November 29, 2009

Ashley Greene diz que sexo entre vampiros é cem vezes melhor

Ashley Greene diz que sexo entre vampiros é cem vezes melhor

Ashley Greene, que interpreta a vampira Alice Cullen na saga Crepúsculo, acha que sexo entre sanguessugas é cem vezes melhor que entre humanos.

Greene que, segundo boatos, namora o roqueiro Jared Followill, do Kings of Leon, acha que Alice tem uma vida sexual muito melhor do que a dela.

“Pense na melhor relação sexual que já teve e multiplique por cem. Assim é o sexo entre vampiros”.

Em entrevista à Revista Maxim, a atriz disse que ficou ansiosa para conseguir o papel na série e que gostaria de ser mais parecida com sua personagem.

“Eu queria tanto este papel. Quando me disseram que tinha conseguido, tentei manter a pose, mas durou um minuto”.

“Adoro Alice. Ela é doce, sexy e assassina. Acho que, se eu entrasse num briga, iria apanhar”.

Greene também revelou que adoraria participar de outra série.

“Gostaria de fazer um filme de James Bond. Seria incrível”!


"A Fazenda 2" perde a vice-liderança para o SBT

Com quase duas semanas de exibição, as edições diárias de “A Fazenda 2″ ainda não decolaram no Ibope. O reality-show da Record vem disputando ponto a ponto com o SBT durante toda a semana e em nenhum dia abriu grande vantagem sobre a principal concorrente.

Na última sexta-feira (27), “A Fazenda 2″ atingiu apenas 6 pontos de média segundo índices prévios da Grande São Paulo. O SBT, com o “TV Animal” e com “Sobrenatural”, marcou 7 pontos no mesmo horário. Além disso, as inserções de flashes ao vivo do reality no “Geraldo Brasil” também não estão agradando. A atração de Geraldo Luís passou parte de seu tempo oscilando entre 2 e 3 pontos.


Saturday, November 28, 2009

VIDEO: Satanismus ve společnost: "dělej, co se ti zamane"

Přítomnost identických motivů v pop. hudbě je většinou náhodná – studium kolektivního vědomí, např. jak jej vidí Jung v mytologii různých národů, může tuto “náhodnost” postavit do jiného světla. Manipulace nemusí nutně vznikat politickou propagandou – to si uvědomují satanisté jako La Vei, kteří přiznaně využívají hudbu k masové manipulaci (jeho přítele Mansona proslavila MTV). Ať přiznaně či nepřiznaně, vědomě či nevědomě, zábavní průmysl nás nepochybně manipuluje do přijetí hedonistických antiideologií, degenerovánému chování a vzájemné nenávisti.

Illumianati a okultistická symbolika v médiích

VIDEO: Jak Illuminati řídí Hollywood

Modlitba k satanovi na MTV v přímém přenosu 

PSYCHO: They sold their Souls for Rock-N-Roll – manipulace skrze hudbu




Rumo às Férias Eliana acelera as gravações no SBT, para viajar

Dezembro está chegando e, para poder sair de férias, há duas semanas Eliana acelerou o ritmo de gravações de seu dominical no SBT. Como boa parte dos quadros de sua atração é realizada em externas, ela deu um tempo em suas atividades pessoais para cumprir a agenda profissional no prazo. Até 20 de dezembro, a apresentadora deixará os programas de final de ano prontos, para curtir o Natal com a família em São Paulo. E, em seguida, fazer uma viagem romântica com o namorado João Marcelo Bôscoli. De acordo com Cíntia Araium, assessora da estrela, até o momento Eliana ainda não definiu o roteiro de viagem. “Ela costuma colocar o trabalho em primeiro lugar, sempre. Então, só nas próximas semanas, quando estiver bem mais tranquila, é que vai bater o martelo. O certo é que Eliana terá três semanas para descansar”, disse Araium.


Thursday, November 26, 2009

Bastidores da TV (26/11)

Mais uma da série “perguntas sem respostas” da nossa TV

1 – Por que qualquer música ou qualquer coisa parecida com uma melodia sempre é acompanhada de palmas no “Programa do Jô”?

2 – Por que em novela raramente chove ou nunca se viu uma enchente?

3 – Por que o “Zorra Total” insiste em estereotipar homossexuais como se isso fosse realmente muito engraçado? E por que Leandro Hassum tem sempre que gritar tanto em seus personagens?

4 – Por que o “Fantástico”, na noite de domingo, passou do ponto com a série sobre o condomínio se todo mundo foge das reuniões de condomínio?

5 – Quando será o dia em que a Record vai implodir aquela passarela?

6 – Por que também nas novelas, ninguém se despede quando desliga o telefone ou vai embora?

7 – Por que diabos o Cine Belas Artes, do SBT, tem esse nome se jamais exibiu um grande clássico do cinema?

8 – Por que toda artista sempre demora além do necessário para confirmar a gravidez?

9 – Quando foi a última vez na vida que o diretor de novelas da Globo Jorge Fernando vestiu terno e gravata?

10 – Por que no “Globo Repórter”, quando são exibidas matérias da BBC e Discovery, Sérgio Chapelin insiste em dizer “os nossos repórteres”? Nossos?

11 – Por que o programa de Luciana Gimenez insiste naquele título, se nunca teve nada de “super” muito menos de “pop”?


Nada substitui o talento – 1


Willy Haas, Diretor Geral de Comercialização da Globo

A Globo promoveu terça-feira, no espaço de eventos HSBC, em São Paulo, a entrega dos prêmios do “31º Profissionais do Ano”. Um evento bastante concorrido.

Willy Haas, que comanda a área de comercialização da emissora, esteve presente.

Profissionais da propaganda lotaram a casa, que recebeu também atores e apresentadores da Globo, como Mariana Ximenes, Vladimir Brichta, Regina Duarte, Fernanda Paes Leme, Fernanda Vasconcellos, Murilo Benício, Ana Furtado, Danton Mello e Humberto Martins.

É impressionante o valor do “Profissionais do Ano”. Os ganhadores comemoram no palco, e se emocionam nos bastidores. Um Oscar.

Nada substitui o talento – 2

Nos bastidores do “Profissionais do Ano”, Willy Hass comemorou o bom momento da Rede Globo. “Tivemos recorde de vendas antecipadas. Vendemos tudo para 2010. A Globo é a única que consegue isso, é a prova de que o mercado acredita na Globo”, disse Haas.

Willy também falou em fortes investimentos na programação e no sistema de alta definição para o ano que vem.

E ressaltou que a Copa do Mundo da África e a cobertura das eleições receberão atenção especial.


O programa “Na Mira”, da TV Aratu, na Bahia, ontem na hora do almoço botou no ar uma cena chocante, aliás, especialidade do programa: um cidadão, vítima de latrocínio, com o corpo estirado no chão ao lado de uma poça de sangue.

Tudo mostrado nos mínimos detalhes. Um circo do horror.

No Brasil

Dennis Avner, o Homem-Gato, chegou ontem a São Paulo para cumprir uma série de apresentações em programas de TV.

Apesar de ser conhecido assim, ele já gastou mais de 200 mil dólares para se parecer com um tigre.

Deve começar pela Band.

Victor Valentim


O ator Murilo Benício

Murilo Benício já está com o texto dos três primeiros episódios da segunda temporada da série “Força Tarefa”, que volta à grade da Globo na programação 2010.

O elenco, a pedido da emissora, vai se reunir hoje em uma fazenda, no Rio, para fazer o popular “laboratório”.

Benício, aliás, também está próximo de voltar às novelas. Ele tem convite do diretor Jorge Fernando para viver o personagem Victor Valentim no remake das novelas “Tititi” e “Plumas e Paetês”, ambas de Cassiano Gabus Mendes.

A fusão das histórias será feita por Maria Adelaide Amaral e deve ir ao ar na segunda metade do ano que vem.

A propósito

Se depender da vontade de Maria Adelaide Amaral, o ator Fábio Assunção será chamado para o papel de Jacques Leclair, que foi vivido por Reginaldo Faria em “Tititi”. Está na dependência da Globo.

Vale acrescentar que a autora e Fábio Assunção estão trabalhando juntos, atualmente, na microssérie “Dalva e Herivelto”.

As próximas vítimas


O ator Cecil Thiré

Em “Poder Paralelo”, da Record, depois de matar cinco personagens, o misterioso assassino da história vai voltar a atacar.

Helena (Martha Mellinger) e Armando (Cecil Thiré) estão na lista das próximas execuções.

Mas Lauro César Muniz, o autor, precisa ir com calma, porque a novela vai até a segunda quinzena de fevereiro.

Se o assassino continuar desse jeito, não chega ninguém vivo até lá…

No ar

A Globo está apresentando as primeiras chamadas de “Cinquentinha”, minissérie de Aguinaldo Silva que estreia no dia 8 de dezembro.

Por enquanto, o destaque vai para os nomes importantes de seu elenco: Suzana Vieira, Marília Gabriela, Betty Lago e Ângela Vieira.

Em defesa

Divulgação/TV Globo

A atriz Regina Duarte

Regina Duarte, depois do “Profissionais do Ano”, saiu em defesa de Taís Araujo, com a experiência de já ter vivido a personagem Helena em três novelas de Manoel Carlos.

Disse estar amando a personagem e que se comove com ela.

Usando de muito carinho, fez outros vários elogios ao trabalho da atriz de “Viver a Vida” e assegurou que ninguém faria melhor.

Taís, segundo Regina, é uma atriz pronta e o seu desempenho vai crescer ainda mais com o desenrolar da história.


Depois de “Caminho das Índias”, Ana Furtado agora tem o “Vídeo Show” como prioridade.

Ela tem recebido constantemente roteiros para outros trabalhos, mas decidiu se concentrar apenas no programa que a Globo exibe às tardes, até para poder dedicar também mais tempo à família.


A Avon fechou contrato com o comercial da Record e vai fazer ações de merchandising na novela “Bela, a Feia”.

Por enquanto, nada que diga respeito a Giselle Itiê, a personagem principal.

Elvira, a manicure interpretada por Bárbara Borges, é quem vai aparecer divulgando os produtos da marca.

C´est fini

Ao contrário do informado pela coluna, Luciano do Valle voltou da sua lua de mel e ontem já transmitiu o primeiro jogo entre Fluminense e LDU pela final da Copa Sul-Americana.

O SBT Licenciamentos está lançando produtos ligados à programação da emissora. Para o ano que vem, a ideia é lançar uma outra linha, também usando a marca SBT, mas sem nenhuma relação com a emissora.

A propósito, neste final de semana, no Guarujá, o Grupo Silvio Santos realizará o seu seminário anual.

Ontem teve bolo na Record para comemorar o aniversário de Ana Paula Padrão.

Ficamos assim. Amanhã tem mais. Tchau!

Por: Flávio Ricco
Colaboração: José Carlos Nery


“Toma Lá Dá Cá” ganhará uma versão para o cinema

A Rede Globo está exibindo as últimas edições do seriado humorístico “Toma Lá Dá Cá”, que não ganhará uma nova temporada em 2010.

Entretanto, os fãs do programa poderão matar a saudade em um filme com os personagens do humorístico, que começará a ser gravado em 2010.

Ao contrário da atração da TV Globo, o longa não se passará no prédio em que vive as famílias dos casais Rita e Arnaldo e Celinha e Mário Jorge. No filme, as duas famílias irão se reunir para fazer um cruzeiro pela costa brasileira. Entretanto, durante a viagem, vários acontecimentos irão provocar desavenças entre os personagens.

Caberá a Miguel Falabella roteirizar a história para o cinema. O último episódio de “Toma Lá Dá Cá” será exibido no dia 22 de dezembro pela Globo.


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Just Too Much For American Idol Alum




As we all witnessed last night, American Idol runner-up Adam Lambert shocked the world with his American Music Awards performance. With the whole world talking about his risky and controversial night, it’s safe to wonder what the motive was behind all of this. His new album For Your Entertainment is hitting stores this Tuesday and I don’t think its a coincidence to think that his outrageous performance had a motive to try and boost sales while trying to be the front page in every aspect of the news. With reported lackluster first week sales from American Idol’s own Kris Allen, who beat Adam just last May, it looks like by the performance Adam did last night, there is nothing Adam wont do to get the media talking and hopefully beat Kris in first week sales.

But is this really going to help him boost sales or for that matter gain popularity? With 1,500 viewer complaints generated from ABC and in a poll by MTV where it showed 78% of voters did not like the performance at all, it definitely has become a negative topic in so many music fans eyes. With in what I saw, an awful lead single to his major label debut, I dont see how this album will sell. For Your Entertainment, the same title as the album, seemed very lackluster at best. Without the provocative performance, we would be talking about how bad his singing really was and how truly this song is not catching anybody’s ear for radio play. Last time I checked, this lead single does not even crack the Top 50 on the Itunes charts and can’t be heard playing over and over in anybody’s car. Yes Adam has caught a lot of people’s attention right now but when the dust settles people will realize that this major label debut of his is not very good, and that there are some people who might have checked it out but now have turned away from it.

Next time, let’s see an up and coming singer shock the world with his music and not what he or she can do on stage. By the way Kris Allen’s debut is pretty good and should be looked at by fans who saw him grow on American Idol. There is a lot of good music out right now and music fans should be concentrated on that. There are a plenty of ways an artist can become popular and get his name out there but hopefully this will show that this is not one of them. We need to get back to focusing on the music aspect of everything and really create the next big star in music by what they can create behind the music.


New Moon director, Chris Weitz, releases DVD details

Wow, it has not even been a full week with the movie in the theatre and there is already talk of the DVD!  This is awesome.

The only thing that could make this better is to hear that Breaking Dawn has been given the greenlight.  Like officially, not just in passing conversation or the actors saying their interested.  I’m talking 100% confirmed, no doubt, no changes.  Moving right along….

‘New Moon’ Director Chris Weitz Reveals DVD Details Weitz plans to include at least 20 minutes of deleted material from the blockbuster.

BEVERLY HILLS, California — After this weekend’s record-shattering opening, “New Moon” is now officially the biggest film of 2009. In a few months, it will inevitably become one of the biggest DVD releases of 2010.

So what can we expect from the “New Moon” DVD? Recently, we caught up with director Chris Weitz and got the scoop on the disc you’ll soon want sitting next to “Twilight” on your shelf.

“There will be a commentary track,” Weitz revealed, saying that he’ll soon head into the recording booth with his three big stars, Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner. “It’ll just be us riffing off each other in our intimate way,” he grinned. “We kind of like each other, so that should be fun.”

In addition, fans can look forward to picking up a copy of “Twilight in Forks,” the independently made documentary that teased fans with brief glimpses of its exploration into the real-life town that inspired Stephenie Meyer, only to be snatched up by Summit in September. An insider told MTV recently that the film will not be re-edited but will hit DVD alongside “New Moon” with all-new packaging and artwork.

Judging by the insatiable appetite of Twilighters, they’ll be filling DVD stores in the first quarter of 2010, eager to glimpse the deleted scenes Weitz plans to unveil for the first time.

“There will be probably about 20 minutes of deleted material,” he explained, promising some meaty footage. “It really is good stuff and a bonus for the fans.”

Among this bonus footage could be several moments MTV knows were shot but did not make the final “New Moon” cut, including:

  • A scene with Rachelle Lefevre as Victoria driving to Forks in a car, snacking on a dead human. It was one of the final moments the actress filmed as the nomadic vampire.
  • A scene with the human characters eating Burger King.
  • Another scene with the humans, this time with Justin Chon and Michael Welch expressing jealousy over Edward’s car.
  • More scenes with the Volturi in Italy.
  • An extended cut of the scene where Mike Newton quotes Shakespeare to Bella in the Forks High parking lot; in it, he does a Marlon Brando impersonation.
  • Scenes alluding to the ongoing breakup between Newton and Anna Kendrick’s Jessica.

“When I made the film, I wanted it to arrive at a certain kind of flow and cadence,” Weitz said of why he had to leave so many scenes on the cutting-room floor but hopes to restore many for the DVD. “[They would have affected] how the movie worked, and they didn’t completely fit. But there’ll be some groovy stuff in [the DVD].”



Sunday, November 22, 2009

Real Time SP (Corrigido)

fundobranco-750x10503 (2)

15h35 | SP

:record: 11 :globo: 11 :sbt: 9 :band: 3


MTV's 'ABDC' is B-A-C-K and Holding Auditions for Season 5

MTV’s America’s Best Dance Crew (ABDC) is once again putting out the call for fierce, fabulous, hard-hitting dance crews with 5 – 7 members (ages 18 and older) for season 5 of the highly popular dance show.

Crews interested in possibly joining the ranks of past winners JabbaWockeez, We Are Heroes, Super Cr3w and Quest Crew can attend auditions held in the following remaining cities: Denver, CO (December 4),  Los Angeles, CA (December 5), Boston, MA (December 11) and New York City (December 12).

For more information, check out ABDC on MySpace.

Or follow them on Twitter at @ABDCCasting.

See the flyer below for more details.


Saturday, November 21, 2009

Canal Zap: Fernanda Vasconcellos faz tatuagem temporária para interpretar personagem em nova novela

Fernanda Vasconcellos precisou fazer uma tatuagem temporária de estrelas para exemplificar a paixão pelo céu de sua personagem em “Tempos Modernos”, próxima novela das sete da Globo, – a astrônoma Nelinha. Na trama de Bosco Brasil, que é inspirada na obra “O Rei Lear” de William Shakespeare, Nelinha está em busca de um planeta para colocar o nome de seu pai, Leal, vivido por Antônio Fagundes. “Ela quer retribuir todo o amor que o pai tem por ela”, explica Fernanda. Além disso, a personagem será a filha preferida de Leal, o que vai despertar o ciúme de suas irmãs Goretti, de Regiane Alves, e Regeane, interpretada por Viviane Pasmanter. “Mas, na cabeça dela, não tem rivalidade nenhuma. O pai se identifica mais com a personalidade dela e, por isso, eles têm mais afinidades”, justifica.

A atriz Fernanda Vasconcellos exibe sua tatuagem temporária para viver a astrônoma Nelinha

Saia Justa

Em “Bela, a Feia”, Samantha, vivida por Luiza Tomé, promove um jantar em sua casa para receber Úrsula – personagem de Luciele di Camargo – e Gastão (Mario Frias). A intenção é aproximar os casais. Durante a ocasião, Úrsula não perde a oportunidade de dar em cima de Armando, interpretado por Raul Gazolla, e chega a beijá-lo pelos cantos da casa. Gastão também não hesita em fazer elogios para Samantha. Armando não gosta nada do encontro, já que fica na maior saia justa por se envolver com Úrsula e colocar a amante dentro de sua casa. A cena está prevista para ir ao ar na terça-feira, dia 24, na Record.

Para rir

Inspirado no festival de stand-up comedy de Curitiba, a Band está em fase de produção de um programa que vai misturar jogos de improviso e humor. A emissora já está em busca de atores de teatro que também façam stand-up para comandar a produção. Serão quatro apresentadores fixos que vão receber um convidado diferente em cada edição. As gravações começam no fim de dezembro.


No domingo, o programa esportivo da Rede TV!, “Bola na Rede”, comemora dez anos. Para a data especial, o jornalista Fernando Vanucci vai entrevistar o “rei do futebol”, Pelé.

Cenário de verão

O “Estrelas”, programa comandado por Angélica na Globo, reserva uma temporada diferente para o verão. A apresentadora vai gravar com seus convidados em Angra dos Reis, no litoral sul fluminense. Parecido com o que fez no inverno, quando levou seus entrevistados para Bariloche.


# No quadro “Amor Animal”, a apresentadora do “TV Xuxa” vai mostrar os animais de estimação prediletos da atriz Heloísa Périssé. No ar às 10h30, na Globo.

# O “Paratodos” vai mostrar o primeiro Quilombo oficial do Brasil, localizado no Amapá. No ar às 19h30, na TV Brasil.

# O “MTV +” relembra a trajetória do The Killers. No ar às 23h, na MTV.

# No “12 Mulheres”, Maria Cândida viaja à Finlândia para conhecer o modo de vida, cultura e profissões de 12 diferentes mulheres. No ar às 0h30, na Record.

Por: Manoela Reis

“Troca de Família” inicia gravações da quarta temporada

A equipe “Troca de Família” já está em campo para gravar os episódios da quarta temporada do reality show. Os trabalhos estão concentrados no interior de São Paulo e contam com novos integrantes na produção, muitos que atuam na MTV. A ordem é inovar no programa, modernizar a edição e buscar algo diferenciado. O primeiro episódio mostrará a troca de dois pais: um missionário hare krishna e outro um pedreiro e lutador de  vale. “Troca de Família” quer mostrar neste episódio contrastes e semelhanças em estilos muito diferentes de vida.
Dos realitys shows da Record, “Troca de Família” é o que costuma registrar os melhores índices de audiência, mas faturamento comercial inferior. O programa deve estrear no primeiro trimestre de 2010.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

''Casa dos Artistas'' Praticamente Confirmada no SBT!

O SBT já decidiu que precisa barrar o crescimento da Record que volta a manter distância na guerra pela audiência. Sílvio Santos estava tranquilo até semana passada, pois confia que a grade montada para 2010 é muito forte e recupera facilmente o 2º lugar, porém, a Fazenda vem dando resultados além do esperado e, caso no próximo domingo o programa lidere novamente a audiência, o SBT vai contra-atacar.

O diretor do programa 1 Contra 100, Paulo Franco, ao ser questionado por um internauta em seu twitter sobre o possível retorno da Casa dos Artistas com Roberto Justus, respondeu que: “sobre esse assunto não posso falar NADA AINDA”, mas de fato, tanto Paulo Franco quanto Roberto Justus já estão trabalhando na forma de apresentação.

Nas últimas horas ganhou força no SBT que, caso A Fazenda continue bem, será necessário que a emissora do Anhanguera monte uma estratégia e, a emissora trabalha com duas frentes. Casa dos Artistas estreando dentro do Programa Sílvio Santos, às 21:30 (que evidentemente iria ao ar ao vivo) no domingo, 29 de novembro, com a apresentação das 12 celebridades e com Sílvio Santos entregando o bastão da apresentação a Roberto Justus.

A segunda possibilidade, que ganha força também, é de que no mesmo dia 29, ao invés de estrear Casa dos Artistas, o SBT antecipe a estréia do Reality Solitários. A vice-diretora do SBT Daniela Beyrute está muito empolgada com as gravações do programa e acredita que, com boa divulgação e acerto no horário a emissora será líder de audiência. As gravações do programa estão adiantadas e todos os que assistiram disseram que de fato é muito bom e revolucionário na TV brasileira.
Caso Solitários estréia no próximo dia 29, Casa dos Artistas ficará guardada para o mês de Abril, mas sua volta já está dada como certa pela cúpula do SBT. Se a emissora decidir por sua volta ainda em novembro, uma estratégia para driblar o Natal e o final de ano está sendo montada pela emissora. A estratégia incluiria a visita da família dos participantes na Ceia de Natal e um mini Show da Virada do SBT dentro da Casa.

A decisão final será de Silvio Santos nos próximos dias.

Texto Retirado da Comunidade SBT Oficial

Is 50 Cent Losing Steam?

Wasn’t is just yesterday that when a new 50 Cent album came out, everybody was talking about it? Wasn’t is just yesterday that 50 Cent would have 3 top ten singles on the charts that hyped his album so much that everybody was ready to hear the complete new album? With so many delays and no big hit singles on the radio catching steam, 50 Cent’s new album Before I Self Destruct has seemed to be on the back-burner for people who in the past have been loyal fans. Who out there even knew that this Tuesday, 50 Cent’s Before I Self Destruct album finally was released? Projections came in today from that projects that 50 Cent’s latest project will only sell about 150,000 to 160,000 copies in his first week in stores. This is a concerning number as 50 Cent has been known in the past to sell a million copies in its first week in stores. In 2002, his debut album Get Rich or Die Trying sold 872,000 copies in its first week, which spawned hits like In Da Club, Wanksta, P.I.M.P, 21 Questions, and Many Men. It went on to sell over 10 million records and in many eyes became a classic album in hip hop. When nobody thought he could get any bigger, his second album The Massacre was released in 2004 and sold an incredible 1.15 million copies in its first week. Even his third album Curtis which is now known for its Soundscan battle with Kanye West, which he ended up losing, even sold a solid 695,000 copies in its first week in stores. So what has happened to 50 Cent? Yes it seems like 50 Cent is still always in the news, but it’s not for his music anymore….

But why is this? Can 50 Cent still make a hit song? As of November 19th, 50 Cent’s new single Baby By Me, is currently 33rd on Itunes music charts. It hasnt even come close to his catalog of hits from before, and its unheard of, for him not to have a top 10 single going into the week of his new album. At one point in 2005, it didnt seem like 50 Cent could miss when making a hit record. He became the first artist to have three singles in the top 5 on the Billboard charts in one week. Yes I believe 50 Cent can still make quality music but it seems like every time I hear about him in the news these days it’s all about what I like to call “publicity feuds”. He picks fights with the likes of Jay Z, Rick Ross, Young Buck, and The Game to name a few to what it seems like is just a ploy to keep himself relevant. In Mtv’s Hottest MC’s list of 2009, they put him at #9 and the only reason he is even there, is because of his “publicity and web presence”. For an artist that at one point seemed unstoppable, it truly doesnt even seem like it’s about the music anymore. 50 Cent will always stay in the news with his sometimes entertaining ploys but will I ever get an album like Get Rich or Die Trying again? Probably Not

To look at his new album Before I Self Destruct, 50 Cent goes back to his roots and gives his fans the aggressive content that they are used to. With only 3 featured artists on his new album, it seems like 50 Cent is focused to show that this album is more centered around him. Stand out tracks are So Disrepectful, Psycho, Crime Wave, and Gangsta’s Delight where we see glimpses of old 50 Cent. Fans who love his club records will love Baby By Me and Do You Think About Me but none in my mind come close to his old classics.  Overall I see this album as 3rd overall in his discography, behind Get Rich or Die Trying and The Massacre, and in front of Curtis. It is overall a great album and people should definitely listen to it but it is sad to get to the end of the album and realize that we will probably never see the work of Get Rich or Die Trying again.

So is 50 Cent really losing his edge, or have we just put him on such a high pedestal that he just cant reach any higher. In 2008 he still had a net earning of $440 million, noted all of that was not made off of music. 50 Cent has definitely lost some of his stature with his 4th album but he has definitely not become completely irreverent in the music industry. People all around the world still respect him for his music and would love to see him tour behind this new album but he is not as big as he once was. Maybe 50 Cent has peaked and the days of having so many hit singles all at once are of the past. Jay Z’s 11 number one albums has to be noted as it just comes to show how hard it is to stay on top for so long. 50 Cent’s 4 albums have been good but you start to wonder how many more albums we will see from him. 11 albums seems unreachable to so many artists these days including 50 Cent. It will be interesting to see what the future has in store for 50 Cent but it seems like the days of In Da Club  are far behind him.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Rejection of Acceptance!

The Saga Continues…
The Rejection of Acceptance!
By Nevin Jefferson

In the world of network and print media it’s planting subliminal messages embedded into the words that make the copy on the pages of newspapers. The nightly news is a precise reading of the news from the teleprompter by the news anchor with their head tilted just right. Mr. And Mrs. John Q. Duped tune in for their daily mind control – complete with brain washing and conditioning. The news stories are twisted out of portion while going for sensationalism like miners went for gold. Criminals are hailed as heroes while the victim’s families, friends, and those who happened to know someone who knew the victim are milked by the media for all of the newsworthy material they can squeeze out of the udder. Victims and survivors who escape a deathly feat tell their all to the media. They should be on their knees giving thanks and praise to God! Books are written, movies are made, and media whores trick the talk show circuit. Only in America can a woman gain fame and misfortune for being a cock sucker. Only in the U.S. of A. can a man become happening and totally rad after his teenage girlfriend shoots his wife. It becomes a corporate thing when a otherwise boring rich businessman becomes the executive idol of the business world when it’s discovered that he’s having an extramarital affair. The mistress becomes a household name and becomes the media diva for screwing somebody else’s man. She forgot about karma being around the corner when she cried to the news camera; when the same man who cheated on his wife with her is now cheating on her with someone new. The world of figure skating landed a quadruple jump into the media that gave perfect scores to the white trash skater and her husband who took out the competition with a tire iron on the knee. The world of the UN-religious wrong rules the airwaves and radio frequency where crack pot hate-monger Evangelists blame world events and tragedies on Gays, Lesbians, women, and those who are pro-choice. In the pulpits, Bastards (they’re not pastors!) of the cult preach the teachings of Satan to their diz-zoid followers who believe it, deem it as the truth, and then tell it in verbatim to others. I love it when one of these dim-wits recite homophobia to me, and then tell me that it’s in the Bible. I ask them, “Where at in the Bible? Show me!”

This knocks them for a loop everything time because they’re going by what someone else told them without reading it for themselves. They’re used to saying this nonsense to people who don’t say anything back on their behalf. Most people ignore them and move on. Not me! I put them to the test by asking them to prove it. This direct and to the point approach while keeping your cool and loving your enemy. Teaching Bible Study really pays off for me during these encounters because I teach them that God is love, then I give them my interpretation of the Bible. In their interpretation of the Bible Gays are a living sin before God and are going to burn in hell! I’m a man of God who’s Gay and has the light of Christ shining upon their darkness is too much for their corrupted minds and hardened hearts to take.

We’re living in the age of big corporations buying out and downsizing for a hefty profits. Companies get a tax credit when they lay off employees and the price of their stock goes up. The irony of it all is that companies are wondering about why the moral of their employees is at an all time low. They have yet to realize that their dirty dealings are degrading and deplorable. Well, when three job positions are trimmed down into one person at entry level pay one might have it in for the “man”. Corporations also own television and radio stations with it becoming quite the big business in projecting negative images stereotypes that Blacks fought against. Nappy hair,clothes hanging off their ass,and using the N-Word is the standard fare acceptable behavior in today’s society. What you see isn’t exactly what you get!

The United Church of Christ has a 30-second commercial entitled “Ejector” that cues into a shot of a Black mother in a church pew, trying to calm a fussing baby. As fellow worshipers become more impatient with the baby someone in the wing pushes an ejector button thus sending mother and baby flying from the pew. A Gay couple, an Arab American, a disabled person using a walker and others get ejected as well. The announcer says, “No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you’re welcome here.”

The United Church of Christ has spent 1.5 million on the ad and air time according to Ron Buford, director of the church’s four-year Still Speaking Initiative which touts the denominations policy of inclusion. The Protestant denomination disputes the suggestion that its ad disparages other religions. Church leaders maintain that the ads are merely an attempt to reach out to those, especially GLBT people, who may feel rejected by other denominations. The “Ejector” ad is the third in the series, but not the first to be rejected by networks. The church’s similarly themed “Bouncer” ad in which Gays and other minority groups were prevented from entering a church was also given the thumbs-down by the major broadcast networks and several cable outlets. Blacks in San Francisco and other bigoted cities can relate to this theme since they’re kept from entering bars and social events by a bouncer or security. I saw the ad this morning on CNN after Bootsie (my cat) laid down on the remote control during “The Price Is Right!” I rough housed him as a gesture of thanks for bringing this ad to my attention since I am writing a Saga about it. The Ads are creativity done while making a point in a humorous way and delivering a strong message. Do you think that you’ll see this wonderfully done advertising spot that suggests that the United Church of Christ welcomes people who may not find a friendly reception at other churches on your dial? No, Nada, nil, null and void! CBS, ABC, NBC, CW, FOX, and all of the other networks refused to air it. Why? Because it goes against everything that they’re not! Which is controlling the masses by television shows; to feed their viewing of watching the misery of others. These same Networks air commercial spots about Marijuana being the evil drug that’s destroying the “children”. The little darling are getting a sick high from prescription drugs, designer drugs, and anything else for a sick kick. When I was in high school kids sniffed Dippity-Doo a hair gel from a plastic bag. Believe it or not, some of the sniffers died from the fumes. Let’s not forget about heroin, meth, and crack that are hooking dopers by the thousands.

Marijuana is the pro-drug of choice with over a billion stoned. No one has yet to steal, go wrong, or do anything harmful to others or themselves. It does help with all of the side effects from AIDS/HIV medications and help those with Cancer or other ailments. This is what I’ve been told, since I never smoked pot after high school. The fact that I petitioned for the Medical Marijuana referendum and helped set up two organizations has nothing to do with it. The fact that I was on the news with my friend Margie discussing the pros of pot after the bill passed was just a part of my activism. The ads for the anti-smoking campaign tickles me silly because the ads are sponsored by the tobacco corporations. The Anti-Smokers group are getting money for their cause from the tobacco companies who’re they’re against. If smoking is so wrong, why are they accepting money from the same industry that’s was made from the purchase of cigarettes by fellow proud smokers? Smoking is bad, but the money from their enemy has been really, really, “GOOD” for them. The anti-smoking group sold out on their cause which is why most people don’t pay their ads any attention. Don’t you just love it when networks censor something that they don’t want you to see? Why don’t they censor Tampon ads that air during prime time while you’re eating your dinner? Or ads for yeast infection, bras, exposed bellies of pregnant women, and Viagra for women? Why do they censor ads for condoms but aired a Trojan commercial for women? Why didn’t they censor the ad that showed a man going into the store for Tampons for his woman who sat in the car smiling lovingly about the good deed? In the real world women would be kept waiting and waiting forever for their brother, boyfriend, or husband to return from the store with the product in hand. Me? I always told my mother that the store was out of them and so were the other stores that I went to which is why I was back five hours later. So, what stations are airing the ad throughout April? CNN, A&E, AMC, BET, the Hallmark and History channel, TBS, TNT, E!, Lifetime, and the Aztecs America.

Since Logo is a Gay network think that they’ll be airing this ad of acceptance and tolerance to its GLBT viewers who may be looking for a church where they’ll be welcome? Heck Naw! Logo, which is owned by Viacom and operated by MTV rejected the ad saying that MTV’s policy of standard and practices “does not accept advocacy or religious advertising that appears to disparage any organization, denomination or individual.” This policy applies to all of MTV Network’s channels, which include MTV, VH1, Comedy Central, and Nickelodeon the company released this in a written statement to the press. However, Gay themed networks Here! and Q Television will air the ad. A Logo spokesman told the Planet Out Network that MTV’s standard’s and practices department does not have a blanket policy of rejection religious ads and noted that it has accepted ads from the United Methodist Church and the Church of the Latter-day Saints as well as an earlier ad from UCC. Shocked? I’m not! Logo is the same station that airs the Black sissy farce of a show called Noah’s Ark. The show is about four Black friends in LA with one of the characters having a relationship with a man who claims to be straight. With AIDS/HIV being an epidemic in the Black community especially with women who’s men are out on the “Low Down”. This isn’t funny, amusing or entertaining! All it’s doing is encouraging the Brothers to continue with their low-down behavior and living a lie. Why didn’t they censor this? Because with Corporate America, it’s all about the money while brain washing their viewers. They control what you see and give you disgusting stereotype images to imitate. Last week, the church launched a letter-writing campaign to urge Logo executives to accepts its latest ad.

“Viacom’s refusal to air this new commercial is an example of an apparent policy that fails to allow for a full range of religious expression in the United States,” the UCC action alert stated. Jeff Lutes, executive director of Soul force was not particularly pleased about this decision and denounced MTV’s policy as a “dangerous double standard about religion in the media.”

“Ads that promote the truth about God’s inclusive love for all people are rejected because they say they might be disparaging to another religion while Christian fundamentalists are free to disparage GLBT people over the airwaves and their outrageous lies go unchecked,” said Lutes.

To this I say, RIGHT ON!

About the Author: My name is Nevin Jefferson,I’m the controversial columnist of “The Saga Continues..”Topics I Write About: HIV/AIDS,Gay issues, Concerns,Bitching and Moaning,Social,Bigotry, Interviews,Spiritual,Politics,and Things In General. I address these issues in a thought provocative,hard hitting, compelling, encouraging, and inspirational style of my own. Which is a true creative genius in writing a tell it like it is column.

Blue Monday, or Bad Things in Threes

Another bad run of unfortunate passings. I was really hoping the Ober story was a mistake, as it seemed to be this morning. But then MTV confirmed it.

"It's his basement, it's his rules, it's his game show..."

R.I.P. Ken Ober – I first encountered Ken Ober back in the early days of MTV, when it was actually strange for them to do something that didn’t involve music videos. The game show craze was making a comeback thanks to cable television’s insatiable thirst for content, and this oddball variation on a theme called Remote Control was an early hit for the network. Basically it was a trivia show designed to look like it was hosted in a suburban basement, with three contestants seated in recliners using remote control devices. It wasn’t so much the competition or even the subject matter (answering questions about television and pop culture)  but it was the way they were dismissed off the showwhen they lost that was classic! It also was my first exposure to the great Colin Quinn.


R.I.P. Edward Woodward, the Equalizer -  Thinking back, how odd was it to have a literate vigalante-for-hire show be a success? Then again, a careful look at the programs of the day proves how little we observe about life at the moment we’re wallowing in it. But here was an accredited Shakespearian actor playing a smarter Baretta and championing the underdog. I’m not minimizing Woodward’s massive resume, but Robert McCall struck a chord. Probably the same reason I enjoyed David Morse and Andre Braugher – two of the finest actors walking the planet – on Hack. (Although as far as I know, their characters didn’t purposely kill people. Nor did they have Robert Mitchum (!) step in to cover for them when they were out ill…)

R.I.P. Kevin Knox - I’ll pass this along as a third person reference, since I didn’t know him personally. But I have spoken with a lot of comedians over the years, and there is a fraternal bond for those who deserve it. By all accounts this was a righteous and unselfish guy as well as a good comedian. You learn a lot about people when they are down for the count with their backs against the wall, and apparently Kevin’s battle with cancer just reaffirmed what his friends in Boston and beyond knew all along. And to think of the dozens of times I walked past Dick’s Beantown Comedy Vault at Remington’s, right in the heart of the Emerson College campus, and I never got to see him. 

Life is short. Savor every moment. Enjoy every sandwich.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Prévia: Domingo Legal registra queda de 3 pontos

De acordo com dados prévios obtidos , na tarde deste domingo, 15/11, o programa Domingo Legal registrou uma grande queda de audiência.

No horário em que foi ao ar, logo após o infantil ‘Domingo Animado’, o programa apresentado por Celso Portiolli registrou uma média de 7.1 pontos, ficando em 3º lugar.

No mesmo horário a Rede Globo registrou a liderança absoluta com 14 pontos, na vice a Rede Record com 7.6.

Vale lembrar que no último domingo o programa registrou uma média de 10 pontos, obtendo a liderança com a Rede Globo.

*Os números são prévios e podem sofrer alteração no consolidado.

Por: Jonathas Nobre – Sessão TV

Rob's Already Thinking Like a Producer!

Over @ MTV, they have a feature called “The MTV News Quote of the Day“  Apparently, Rob’s was yesterday’s quote:


“There’s so much money involved, and it’s such a huge investment to make a movie, and it’s difficult to make money in this climate. But when you hear about [people] at film festivals saying, ‘There are no passion purchases anymore at all,’ like, when people just say, ‘This is a great movie, and I want to distribute it because people wouldn’t be able to see it [otherwise].’ There’s none of that anymore. So, what I’m saying is that I’d love to invest in stuff which wouldn’t make any money. But I think there is a compromise in between the two.”

“New Moon” star Robert Pattinson, talking about his goal of being not just an actor but a producer in the film industry. While speaking to MTV News’ Larry Carroll, Pattinson expanded on something he recently said to Italian Vanity Fair about wanting to open up his own production company. “I guess, just from my experience in the industry and stuff like that, I’d like to make it a lot easier for the creative people to get their thoughts heard,” Pattinson explained. “Because I think it’s difficult.”


Seriously?  Could the man be any better than he already is?  He’s freaking smart, too.  What a little smarty pants he is!! LOL

I could not be more happy for someone right now.  When I heard the news he was named Executive Producer for “Remember Me,” [insert embarrassing fan girl moment here] I clapped happily as if he was someone I knew personally.  Seriously, I know that sounds sad, but you know what?  Of all people, right now, he deserves it.  So, a special congratulations is put out there in the universe just for him.



Thursday, November 12, 2009

Emissoras reprisam programação por causa do apagão

Por conta da falta de energia em grande parte do país nesta terça-feira, que aconteceu por volta das 22h15, as principais emissoras do país reprisarão os programas que estavam sendo transmitidos neste horário ontem.

A Globo confirmou que reprisará nesta semana ainda a entrevista do jogador Ronaldo ao programa do Jô, que foi exibida ontem, durante o horário em que faltou energia.

A entrevista foi durante muito tempo negociada entre o jogador e a produção do programa, e deve ser reprisada amanhã ou na sexta-feira, a data precisa ainda não foi definida pela emissora.

O jogador Ronaldo, em entrevista ao programa de Jô Soares, que será reprisada nesta semana pela Globo


O SBT reprisará o capítulo número 126 da novela “Vende-se um Véu de Noiva”, hoje, a partir das 21h45. Amanhã segue com o capítulo número 127, inédito.

Já a Record vai reprisar hoje a apresentação de “Ídolos” de ontem, “para não prejudicar” a votação que eliminará um dos candidatos do reality show.

O programa vai ao ar após a novela “Poder Paralelo”, que também terá seu capítulo de ontem reprisado hoje. Em relação à novela “Bela, A Feia”, serão reprisados os 13 minutos finais do capítulo de ontem e mais um capítulo inédito.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Party to the EMAs!

Wie ich bereits berichtete, fanden am letzten Donnerstag, den 05.09. , die MTV European Music Awards 2009 in der O2 World Berlin statt. Bisher habe ich euch nur die Award Gewinner vorgestellt. Heute möchte ich euch einen kleinen Einblick in das O2-Crew Warmup und meinen Ausflug in den VIP Bereich gewähren:

Ab 10:00 Uhr hieß es für die Gewinner der O2 Crew Karten zunächt einmal: Karten abholen!

Wer gleich in Feierstimmung war, konnte es sich auf dem O2 Crew Partyboot gemütlich machen. Der Rest hatte noch einmal Zeit nach Hause zu gehen und sich für die EMAs aufzubrezeln.

Ab ca 18:00 ging es auf dem O2 Crew Boot im Lounge Stil schon heißt her. Es wurde zu bekannten Liedern von Christina Aguilera, Shakira… getanzt und gefeiert. Jeder der Gewinner erhielt außerdem 2 Getränke und Essensmarken zum Stillen von Durst und Hunger.

Ab 19 Uhr öffneten sich dann die Tore zur O2-World und Tausende Fans, Stars und Sternchen stürmten die Halle.

Nachdem ich meinen Sitzplatz inspiziert hatte, blieben mir noch 2 Stunden um mich ein wenig umzusehen, bevor die Show los ging. Da es aber unterschiedliche Eingänge und Wege für die unterschiedlichen Kartenkategorien gab, war es nicht besonders einfach von ganz oben wieder nach ganz unten zu gelangen. Nachdem ich eine halbe Stunde herumgeirrt war und von einem Eingang und Fahrstuhl zum nächsten geschickt wurde, stand ich plötzlich im VIP-Bereich. Ich hatte zwar vor, einfach nur nach unten in den Eingangsbereich zu gelangen, aber der die VIP Etage war mir auch nicht zuwider Ein Paar Cocktails später nahm ich mir etwas Zeit, nach den Promis ausschau zu halten. Diese 3 Bilder entstanden ganz beiläufig bei meiner Suche:

Ab 20:30Uhr hieß es dann: Abauf die Plätze, denn um 21 Uhr startete die unglaubliche Award Verleihung!

“A Fazenda 2″ terá edição exclusiva e festa de Reveillon

De acordo com informações da rádio Jovem Pan, a Rede Record decidiu exibir, ao vivo, uma festa de Reveillon direto de “A Fazenda”.

A emissora pretende convidar alguns cantores para comandar a festa que seria exibida na noite de 31 de dezembro em uma edição especial do reality show.

Os nomes das bandas e dos cantores serão guardados a sete chaves para que “a concorrência não faça pressão para que esses convidados desistam do especial de Reveillon”, comenta um executivo da Record.

A 'Real' Look Inside 2000 S Street.

Okay. The MTV Real World crew has moved out of their primo corner Victorian home in Dupont Circle. Filming has ended and we finally get a good (and messy) look into how they lived and even more importantly to me, how the interior was designed, furnished and accessorized. I have to say, MTV has a quite a creative design team, and although I at first had my doubts after seeing a few columns and eagle silhoettes, I’ve changed my mind. Get the tour from the Washington Post here!

Aside from the interior beautification, these kids were not the best at house-keeping. For an entertaining tour of the house pre-move-out, watch these two cast members show us who slept where, what happens behind closed doors, and what stays cool in the fridge. =)

Here is the full article and video link by Dan Zak of the Post. This is not the real world for most of us! But by the sign of smiley Andrew, they sure had a good time. =)

Saturday, November 7, 2009

MTV Europe Music Awards- The Good, the Bad, and the WTF

On Thursday, the MTV Europe Music Awards (the European equivalent of the VMAs) were held in Berlin, and the red carpet was host to an array of celeb fashion. With that, I give you the Good, the Bad, and the WTF.

First, the Good:

Leona Lewis wearing a custom-made Vivienne Westwood.

Great dress- at anywhere other than an MTV award show, it would be too much.

Shakira in a vintage Versace.

Not her best look, but it’s Shakira- she’d still look great in a burlap sack. Anyway, it would be really easy for this look to be trashy, but the simple styling makes it really classy instead.

Joss Stone wearing Blue Halo.

Tye-dye on the red carpet? On Joss Stone, it works. Also, the color is fantastic on her.

Miranda Cosgrove wearing ?.

Looks like Nickelodeon is making it’s pressence known on the red carpet. I have no clue who made the dress that their starlet is wearing, but it’s adorable. I love that Miranda Cosgrove dresses her age and so well, especially when you see other starlets her age dressing like junior hookers.

And now, the Bad:

Lil’ Kim wearing… I don’t even want to know…

Lil’ Kim… channeling Janet Jackson? Well at least there are no pasties.

The Jonas Brothers wearing discount lounge wear?

To any men that might be reading this, unless you’re Liberace, SAY NO TO THE SHINY SUIT. The elder Jonases look cheap and tacky. As for Nick, velvet suits were left back in the seventies for a reason. It’s like he’s trying to look like a pimp in training. Ew.

And the WTF:

I give you Doda, a Polish popstar. Fortunately, this little… get-up comes off…

…revealing a Barbie swimsuit?

And, of course, Best Dressed:

There were some seriously fierce looks at this event- picking Best Dressed is hard. There were a couple of stand-outs, though, narrowing the playing field down to Beyonce and Katy Perry (who actually hosted the awards show):

Beyonce wearing a piece from the Atelier Versace Fall 2009 Couture Collection.

This dress is fan-freaking-tastic. The entire collection that it comes from is fan-freaking-tasic. January Jones wore a different dress from that collection to the Emmy’s and consequently topped everyone’s Best Dressed lists. I think that it is physically impossible to wear something from the Atelier Versace Fall 2009 collection and not look good.

Katy Perry wearing a gown from the Marchesa Spring 2010 Collection.

Katy Perry puts forth a strong showing as well, though. I am a sucker for lace, and this dress is just gorgeous. Considering Katy’s red carpet faux pas in the past, this gown makes her look very grown up in a good way.

So, as a tie breaker, let’s look at the outfits these two talented ladies wore during the show:

Beyonce in a piece from the David Koma Fall 2009 Collection.

A daring choice, but is it just me, or does this dress evoke the aesthetic on a tin container? You know, the kind that they put food in for you to take home from Mexican restaurants? Either way, it’s not particularly flattering.

Katy Perry in Viktor & Rolf Spring 2010.

I. Love. This. DRESS.

When I first saw it in the Victor & Rold Spring ‘10 collection, I fell for it hard. Admittedly, it’s probably the only truly wearable piece from the very avant-garde collection, but it’s still such a fabulous dress. It’s… post-apocalyptic princess. The cannon holes in the tulle, the dingy pink of the bodice… LOVE IT.

And the Swing Best Dressed Award goes to Katy Perry!

- Mary

QUEM TV, Por Vítor Ferri


O humorístico “Zorra Total” (Globo), nesses próximos meses, deve sofrer uma reformulação completa em seus quadros.

Thiago Lacerda será pai de uma menina
Vanessa Lóes e Thiago Lacerda serão pais de novo. A atriz está grávida de uma menina. A notícia foi confirmada pelo assessor do ator, que não disse de quantos meses Vanessa está, apenas que o casal queria outro filho. Eles já são pais de Gael, de dois anos e quatro meses.

Tô nem aí!
O ator Rodrigo Santoro, que interpreta um dos namorados de Jim Carrey no filme “I Love You Phillip Morris”, disse que não tem medo de ser tachado de ator gay. “Fiz mais filmes como hetero. Portanto, teria de ser tachado como ator hetero”, disse ele, que interpretou homossexuais em “Carandiru” e “Cinturão Vermelho”.

Xico, chipanzé de “Caras Bocas”, por enquanto vai continuar exclusivo da novela. Muitos outros programas da Globo estão querendo gravar com ele. Até o “Fantástico”, pelos problemas com a audiência, estaria atrás do macaco.

Kleber Bambam, o vencedor do primeiro “Big Brother Brasil”, e Alan, do “BBB 3″, acabam de formar um trio de funk com uma dançarina, a Mulher Múmia. O grupo mal começou a divulgar seu trabalho e já está estudando propostas para fazer ensaios sensuais. Os dois poderão posar juntos para a revista “G Magazine”. “Nós somos os caras mais sarados da TV”, gabou-se Bambam.

A Bandeirantes estreia no próximo dia 15 de novembro o programa “Zero Bala”. Com apresentação de Daniella Cicarelli e Otávio Mesquita, a atração vai dar um carro zero como prêmio, e marca o fim do afastamento da ex-MTV.

Novidade na cozinha
O escolhido para substituir Edu Guedes na cozinha do “Hoje em Dia” (Record) foi o modelo curitibano Mauro Ribeiro. Ele aparecerá quando Edu estiver ausente. “Eu acho que com humildade, carisma, simpatia e sorriso a gente conquista o telespectador”, revela.


“Não tenho problema nenhum de fazer (sexo) só eu, eu mesma. Se preciso for, vale mais a pena que uma coisa de momento”


Letícia Spiller , atriz, falando abertamente sobre sexo

Para o “Mais Você” (Globo), que ontem comemorou 10 anos no ar e com direito a um programa especial, ao vivo. A partir das 8h15, Ana Maria Braga recebeu muitos convidados, entre eles, Luiza Brunet, Felipe Massa e a dupla Zezé di Camargo Luciano. Legal também a Globo ter deixado a atração no ar até as 11h.

Para Silvia Poppovic, que assumiu o “Dia Dia” na Band recentemente, mas ainda não está “inteira” na atração matutina. Ela está parecendo até o Faustão: faz a pergunta, mas não deixa ninguém terminar o que está dizendo. Péssimo isso!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Chris Brown "Graffiti" Album Date Moved Up & MTV Special

Chris Brown’s latest studio LP “Graffiti” has been pushed up by a week, the CD which was to drop on Dec 15th will now be released on Dec 8th putting our boy Chris head to head with Usher and his new LP “Raymond Vs Raymond”. All I can say is, this will be interesting, favorably I’d like Chris to secure the number one spot but with this year’s events this will really prove whether he can still sell.  Talk about Teacher Vs Student.

In other news MTV is set to air an exclusive interview with Chris on Friday 6th hot off the heels of Ex-girlfriends Rihanna’s whose will air on both Good Morning America and 20/20.

This is all a bit crazy really, I knew Riri was doing a special for a while now but this one with Chris, they must have slapped that together quick time. Talk about Promo. Damn.

IMG|SOURCE: Chrisbrownweb



Scream 4 first poster

Here there is the first promotional poster for the new scream movie…About the cast, Courteney Cox, Neve Campbell, and David Arquette are all set to return, but beyond that, they haven’t even chose a director. We reported in October that Dimension was supposedly close to getting Wes Craven back to direct Scream 4-

The plot is nothing new, Mtv reported this: “The fourth one is an ensemble. It’ll take place right now, 10 years later, and it’s going to take place in [Sidney Prescott's hometown of] Woodsboro. We’ll have our three main characters, and we’ll be introducing several more. We’ll also be introducing a little group, a little ensemble of new castmembers. That’ll take us through the next three.”

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Twilight/New Moon News

I just finished watching Enchanted on Star Movies (Starhub – Ch 58) and this quote came out on the screen together with the voice we love so much:

“What if I’m not the hero, what if I’m the bad guy?”

It’s Twilight! And Star Movies will be showing it this November 22 at 2100hrs. You can check it out at Star Movies.

The New Moon cast will be appearing in various talkshows. You can check out the schedule of their appearances over at Twilight Lexicon

MTV needs our questions for the New Moon cast! Larry Carrol will be interviewing Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner and Chris Weitz individually and some group interviews too. You can drop by Twilight Lexicon to submit your questions.


Sunday, November 1, 2009

robbie williams nu canta la gala MTV VMA


Robbie Williams nu va participa la MTV Europe Music Awards 2009. Robbie Williams cocureaza la categoria `Cel mai bun cantaret`, unde ii are ca rivali pe Eminem, Jay-Z, Kanye West si Mika. Artistul ar fi trbuit sa sustina si un recital. Purtatorul de cuvant al cantaretului a declarat ca acesta `nu va mai canta la viitoarea gala MTV Europe Music Awards`. Gala MTV Europe Music Awards 2009 va avea loc pe data de 5 noiembrie, la Berlin si va fi prezentat de Katy Perry si Pete Wentz. Robbie Williams a revenit recent pe scena dupa trei ani de pauza, iar cel mai recent single al sau, `Bodies`, a ajuns pe locul 2 in Topul UK.

Robbie Williams nu va participa la MTV Europe Music Awards 2009.Robbie Williams cocureaza la categoria `Cel mai bun cantaret`, unde ii are ca rivali pe Eminem, Jay-Z, Kanye West si Mika. Artistul ar fi trbuit sa sustina si un recital. Purtatorul de cuvant al cantaretului a declarat ca acesta `nu va mai canta la viitoarea gala MTV Europe Music Awards`.Gala MTV Europe Music Awards 2009 va avea loc pe data de 5 noiembrie, la Berlin si va fi prezentat de Katy Perry si Pete Wentz.Robbie Williams a revenit recent pe scena dupa trei ani de pauza, iar cel mai recent single al sau, `Bodies`, a ajuns pe locul 2 in Topul UK.


Priscila Pires posta fotos sensuais e com blusa transparente no Twitter

Priscila Pires está a fim de mostrar seus atributos físicos na internet na noite desta quinta, 29. A ex-BBB postou duas fotos sensuais no Twitter. Numa delas aparece com um sutiã dourado para uma campanha de desodorante e a outra com blusa branca transparente e sem sutiã, que elegeu como uma de suas fotos favoritas. “Adoro essa foto!”, disse sobre o look só de camiseta, no Twiiter.