I just want to apologize to my readers and to anyone who has been trying to contact me. I moved and also went through a sort of very personal crisis that I don’t feel at liberty to discuss, but I am back now after a very long time and I hope to resume writing my blog on a regular basis and discussing all that is fat in the media ASAP!
So here is an update on me really quick! I was recently accepted into graduate school which I am very very very excited about! I am working on getting a graduate assistantship to pay for my tuition. I have also just recently started seeing someone and he is probably reading this right now so I should only say flattering things =) . I am also thinking of adding a page just for personal pictures and things so that you guys can keep up with my life just because I seem to be getting a lot of requests for that. So hopefully that will be up soon!
NOW fat in the media!
I wanted to address this article because I LOVE Gabourney Sidibe. I thought that she did a fantastic job in the film “Precious” and I have noticed that a lot of people in Hollywood have felt very comfortable discussing her weight from Jaime (sp?) Foxx to Howard Stern. The whole article can be found at the link below, but as always I am just going to hit on the key points.
Let me start with my instantaneous childish reaction
Howard Stern “called the Oscar nominee, 26, the “most enormous fat black chick I’ve ever seen… She should have gotten the Best Actress award because she’s never going to have another shot. What movie is she gonna be in?”"
First of all, if someone could give Howard Stern, with from what I can tell not one redeeming quality a job, then I am pretty sure that Gabourney will be okay out there. Secondly, why does Howard Stern always feel like he has the right to degrade women and talk about their bodies. UGH the man drives me insane!
But HERE is the kicker to add insult to injury
“weight loss company AcaiSupply.com publicly offered her a one-year supply of their product to “reach your goal of someday winning an Oscar… by being active, fit, and most of all, healthy!”
When I read this I was so appalled I could hardly even think straight! Can you imagine. As if being thin would make her a better actress! This is just as insulting as if a plastic surgeon publicly offered Pelelope Cruz a nose job to improve her chances of winning an Oscar. It is an insult not just to Gabourney but to women in general. As if their worth and skill lies souly in the width of their thighs.
This all brings me to my final point. Amidst all of this garbage Gabourney still carries herself with poise and grace! She says:
“It’s something I’ve had to work at. My first diet started when I was six years old,” she said. “I’ve never been a small girl. One day I had to sit down with myself and decide that I loved myself no matter what my body looked like and what other people thought about my body.”
I say bravo to loving yourself in the face of an industry that openly mocks you and treats you as less than! SHE ROCKS MY SOCKS!!!!
Yep…it’s official. TMZ has an insider in the MTV crew and confirms the show is heading for Miami.
The show was told to start packing thier things last week and MTV would let them know soon where they were going. MTV of course has been filming everything, so we can look forward to watching the Guido wanna be’s pack.
One cast member has confirmed the location as well. The question is this….is MTV still going to call it ‘Jersey Shore’?
The music that once reigned supreme on MTV has been missing for many years; those that still watch the channel are victim to all sorts of reality dramas and enough ads to fill Times Square in less than an hour. According to MTV exec. David Gale, this is not the path the network plans to continue down. When he spoke at the screening of “$5 Cover: Seattle” he stressed how this series reflects MTV’s interest in putting the focus back on music.
To accomplish this goal, MTV doesn’t plan on going back to how things used to be; instead, they will be introducing new programs like “$5 Cover” that focus on music while providing more content than traditional music videos. The first season of “$5 Cover” was based in Memphis and featured local bands, but still had the bikini-clad drama-addicts most people are used to seeing on MTV. This is why, when Seattle-based Lynn Shelton was approached by MTV she was reluctant to sign on to the glossy, corporate media machine’s new project.
What changed Lynn’s mind? The question should really be phrased: Who changed Lynn’s mind? The answer: David Gale, a beacon of hope for music fans across the world who is on a mission to bring quality, music-inspired film-making to MTV. As Lynn puts it: “I did it for him. The guy is fantastic, a dream boat producer.” After seeing Shelton’s festival-hit “Humpday”, one of the few films that premiered and sold during the 2009 Sundance Film Festival, Gale demanded that if MTV was going to do a “$5 Cover” series in Seattle, it would have to be directed by Lynn Shelton.
Being in-demand is quite a good position for any film-maker, but after hearing about how MTV had moved to focus on compost reality content she was reluctant to be involved with a project that wouldn’t allow her the creative freedom she had with her past films. Once David Gale had convinced her that “$5 Cover: Seattle” would be within her control and not follow the aesthetic or style of past series produced by MTV, Shelton started to listen and eventually agreed to move forward with the production.
If you’ve seen Shelton’s film “Humpday”, there is a clear aesthetic style that defines Lynn Shelton: Most shots are hand-held, the lighting is indirect and realistic; but more than anything visual, it’s the organic, personal performances she extracts from actors that makes her films have a real, and often hilarious, dynamic. Getting an organic performance from actors who are accustomed to working on a film set is one thing, but with “$5 Cover: Seattle” Lynn was faced with musicians who have (for the most part) never set foot on a film set. Shelton is able to conquer the pressure a musician might feel on set and bring out a quality performance by following the “Dogma ’95 film movement”, a filming style she describes as “Providing as natural an environment as possible for the actors.” Shelton continues, “We would try to pre-light everything, then banish everyone. Only me and my camera people and the sound guy, that’s it.” This approach eased the musicians by removing the dozens of crew members and extra equipment that typically plague a film set.
There’s one more key ingredient to making “$5 Cover: Seattle” a successful film starring non-actors: There’s no script. That’s right, no lines to memorize; everything is improvised. But, this is not a reality show. There are several concrete story lines within the series and each scene is intentional. This new style of docu-drama-reality-music-show is created by a well-defined, scene by scene outline. Then, by having two cameras rolling for each scene, Lynn tells the musicians to be themselves as they let the story unfold. No lines ever had to be repeated, this is one of the benefits of always having multiple cameras rolling. As Lynn puts it: “They’re hanging out with their actual friends, in places they would actually hang out in.”
So what’s this show all about? “$5 Cover: Seattle” is a series of 7-minute featurettes that follow a weekend of the indie music scene in Seattle. According to Shelton: “The insider’s vision of the city. If you were just going to hang out with people really in the know for a weekend, this is what it would feel like. These are the kind of places you would go.” The 12-part series begins on a Friday night and continues through Sunday, tracking 13 real, local, Seattle bands through their work, performances, hanging out, and recording.
When selecting bands for the series, Shelton took a very strategic approach. She describes it best:
“I really, really didn’t want to go and sit down with 50 different bands and then cut it down and have to say ‘Oh sorry, I can only have 13 of you.’ I really wanted, as much as possible, to go up to people, approach people, from the very beginning. If I ever sent an e-mail out or I made a phone call, I wanted to be 99% sure I was going to invite this [band] into the project.”
It was also crucial to Lynn’s storytelling that, in addition to musical talent, each band have a real-life connection to each other. This requirement was surprisingly easy for her to fulfill, reflecting Seattle’s tight-knit music community. Bands in the series span all genres and include: “The Lights”, “THEESatisfaction”, “Whiskey Tango”, “Corespondents”, “The Moondoggies”, “Sean Nelson”, “Champagne, Champagne”, “The Long Winters”, “Tea Cozies”, and “Harvey Danger.” As the series introduces each band it includes live performances from each as well as insights into what a typical weekend for the band members might be like.
“$5 Cover: Seattle” is enhanced by several entertaining story lines. Two of my favorites were The Moondoggie’s struggle to fix their broke-down van for a tour to Montana and the repeated attempts of a very drunk young lady, played by actor Davie-Blue, to befriend the bands. Each episode has its own story and tracks over-arching story lines as well. The series progresses by showing the connections among more and more Seattle bands.
Every band in the series reflects very strong musicianship without having to rely on any already-established Seattle-based bands. As somewhat of an outsider to the Seattle music scene, I was thrilled to learn of such great local musicians. When I left the screening at SIFF Cinema, I had many new songs stuck in my head and quickly sought out more music and performances from the stars of the show. No soundtrack for the series has been announced, but Lynn mentioned that the idea is being discussed.
“$5 Cover: Seattle” is a victory both for Seattle music and Seattle film. The production, led by Seattle-native Lynn Shelton, consisted of an entirely Seattle-based crew and creative team. Seattle has a vibrant film community and the screening was packed with local musicians, actors, crew members, lawyers, editors, producers, and executives who helped create the series. In fact, I’m pretty sure I was the only person at the screening who wasn’t involved with creating the series, and it was a full house.
So if you’re ready to check out the series, you only have to wait until June for the premier on MTV.com. As the series unfolds online there will also be a plethora of documentaries released. Two types of documentaries have been created to accompany “$5 Cover: Seattle”; the “B-Side” documentaries reflect Seattle culture as it follows local musicians and will satisfy fans of the bands as well as reality TV junkies. The second type of documentary, referred to as “Amplified Docs” will dig into the personal lives and stories of each band. After seeing the first of the “Amplified Docs” at the screening, I was thoroughly impressed. The documentaries provide a deep, intimate portrait of each band that allows the viewer to really get to know the people behind the music.
What’s next for Seattle’s super-hero film-maker, Lynn Shelton? She’s already in the pre-production stages of a new film that will be based on the novel “Then We Came to the End” by Joshua Ferris. This modern-day story of a successful Chicago ad agency’s demise is expected to start filming soon. But don’t expect Shelton to leave Seattle in the dark, she has a deep connection with the city and has no plans to leave our wonderful city behind as her career takes off.
9th March 2010 (Hanoi and Bangkok) – The MTV EXIT (End Exploitation and Trafficking) campaign today announced the dates of its nationwide concert tour to fight human trafficking. The Vietnam tour kicks off March 27 with “MTV EXIT Live in Hanoi”, a massive free concert at My Dinh Stadium featuring top local artists such as Ha Anh Tuan, Pham Anh Khoa and Phuong Vy, as well as Korean megastars Super Junior and Australian pop star Kate Miller-Heidke.
MTV EXIT is produced by the MTV Europe Foundation in partnership with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Australian Government’s Agency for International Development (AusAID).
After Hanoi the tour continues to Halong Bay, Can Tho and Ho Chi Minh City, educating youth about the dangers of human trafficking.
Aerosmith is an American Rock Band first formed in Boston in 1970.
To date, the group has released 14 Studio Albums during their 40 year career.
Twenty-One of their singles have cracked the Top-40 of the Billboard Charts.
Their hits have included:
Dream On
Sweet Emotion
Walk this Way
Dude looks like a Lady
Rag Doll
Love in an Elevator
Janie’s Got a Gun
Livin on the Edge
I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing
and many more…..
Their top single has been “I Don’t want to miss a Thing” which reached #1 on the Billboard Charts in 1998.
The single debuted at #1 on the charts, a first for an American Rock Band.
The group has had 9 singles reach #1 on the Billboard Rock Charts.
With over 150 Million Albums sold worldwide, Aerosmith is the best selling American Rock Group in History.
Aerosmith is currently:
Steven Tyler – Vocals
Joe Perry – Guitar
Brad Whitford – Guitar
Tom Hamilton – Bass
Joey Kramer – Drums
Over their career, the group has won 4 Grammy Awards.
Aerosmith was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2001.
I remember buying a .45 rpm record of “Dream On” when I was still in Grade School. Here they are, all those years later, still going strong….
After being caught red handed on news camera busy with 3 girls, Mr. Tiwari seems to have hit the jackpot in his final innings. In an unprecedented incident Mr. Tiwari has been contacted by head marketing Viyagra to be their global Brand Ambassador. When contacted, Mr. P.K. Lee the marketing head has confirmed that they have been trying to reach Mr. Tiwari from a long time. “He has got all the qualities which we want in our brand ambassador, his level of fitness and activism will boost the brand “. In a multimillion dollar deal Mr. Tiwari will be soon seen on TV and internet doing Brand endorsement of the much acclaimed product. There are rumors that Tiwari will also be helping the distribution and sales of the drug company in getting Viyaagra converted to over the counter drug using his novel network.
MTV has also finally announced their list of Youth icons today and Mr. Tiwari has been nominated from India for the same. In the competition Mr. Tiwari will be competing with likes of Hell Clinton, Tiger Hoods, Jamie Cameroon, John C Migraine and Prince Charlie. There is lot of anticipation regarding a tough fight between uncle Bell and Mr. Tiwari in the global media.
The increase of popularity of Tiwari Ji has also brought losses for few of the celebrities, Sachin has been impeached as the brand ambassador of Bhoost and Mr. Tiwari will be replacing him as the new brand ambassador. Bhoost has claimed that Mr. Tiwari has been using the energy drink from a long time which has made him so fit and Strong. So in a matter of days you might watch him saying “Bhoost is the secret of my Energy “.
Robin Sparkles was a Canadian Teen Singer who had a One-Hit Wonder in 1986 with the single “Let’s go to the Mall” which peaked at #39 on the Billboard Charts in the US.
The song reached #1 on the charts in Canada and spent an amazing 38 consecutive weeks atop the charts.
A follow-up single, “Sandcastles in the Sand” was a minor hit in Canada but did not chart in the US.
She had no other hits and her music career quickly faded away.
Robin Sparkles, real name Robin Scherbatsky, is now a News Anchor with Metro News 1, a cable channel in New York City.
“Yesterday i smiled, today i smirked, tomorrow i stop … Thanks for your thoughts and prayers, they’re needed. The F is for family, friends, and fans……….thank u………..your love and prayers are felt. They kant lok up my heart bekuz y’all already have it on lok. ……thank u.”
“She a monster, but I’m a beast, though/ Take her clothes off, with my teeth, though.” ~quoted from Weezy when mentioning new music coming out while incarcerated, such as Carter IV and with Young Money Mixtapes
“I feel bad, because I don’t think anything like this has happened in music since Elvis got drafted into the Army,”~ Bun B said.
CBS NEWS: The sentence is related to a 2007 New York City gun charge. Lil Wayne – or, as no one knows him, Dwayne Carter – admitted in October 2009 to having a loaded, .40-caliber semiautomatic on his tour bus.
Lil Wayne is looking at a year in city jail, with the possibility of getting out in about eight months for good behavior.
US rapper Lil Wayne sentenced to a year in prison BBC News
For Lil Wayne, 3rd Time Is Not the Charm New York Times (blog)
Lil Wayne goes to prison: Why his career will survive Entertainment Weekly
Lil Wayne jumps on Twitter before prison term Los Angeles Times
Lil Wayne Parties In NYC, Records In Miami Before His Sentencing MTV.com
Lil‘ Wayne Is a Figment of Our Imaginations Death + Taxes Magazine
Lil Wayne & Eminem Unveil ‘Drop The World’ Clip RTT News
All you Glee fans, The hit show from Fox is hitting the road this summer according to MTV.com. FOX & Glee-creator Ryan Murphy are putting together “Glee Live! In Concert!,” which will kick off May 18 in Phoenix, Arizona. Find out what cities they will hit after the jump.
Glee Live! In Concert!” Tour Dates:
May 18 Phoenix, AZ | Dodge Theatre (Tickets on sale Fri., March 12 at 10 a.m. ET)
May 20 Los Angeles, CA | Gibson Amphitheatre (Tickets on sale Sat., March 13 at 10 a.m. ET)
May 21 Los Angeles, CA | Gibson Amphitheatre (Tickets on sale Sat., March 13 at 10 a.m. ET)
May 25 Chicago, IL | Rosemont Theatre (Tickets on sale Sat., March 13 at 10 a.m. ET)
May 26 Chicago, IL | Rosemont Theatre (Tickets on sale Sat., March 13 at 10 a.m. ET)
May 28 New York, NY | Radio City Music Hall (Tickets on sale Sat., March 13 at 9 a.m. ET)
May 29 New York, NY | Radio City Music Hall (Tickets on sale Sat., March 13 at 9 a.m. ET)
Okay, so yes, were all sick of Paris Hilton, but damn the girl does have style. I have to admit it. She really has some show stopping outfits that I love. She just celebrated her 29th birthday party in Vegas and wore this one shoulder white mini.
I have put together a bunch of my favorite Paris outfitts. Love her or hate her, the girl has style or her stylist has style. Or maybe my move from New York to California is starting to affect me. Shes actually really popular here in California. What can we do, it looks like Paris is here to stay. Either way, here it is…
Last night, ABC revealed it’s “hot” new Dancing with the Stars lineup…sigh…the 10 look promising.
For “Dancing With the Stars” fans, only Christmas comes close to the excitement surrounding this very day, the one in which new names are officially unveiled for the new season. Now, the all-new cast of celebrities has been announced — and when its 10th season kicks off March 22, everyone from the infamous to the athletic to the iconic will be hitting the dance floor.
On Monday night (March 1), ABC announced the new contestants during “The Bachelor.” Read on for a breakdown of which big names will be making their ballroom-dancing debut and fox-trotting into your living room.
Pamela Anderson
The veteran actress/ model/ Borat abduction target, 42, will soon be adding competitive dancing to her résumé. Rumors of America’s favorite Canadian lifeguard joining the cast have been swirling around the Internet for quite sometime, but now that it has been confirmed, we can all breathe easy and start explore a different topic: how Pam will keep her balance on the dance floor considering her famously oversized, ahem, assets.
Nicole Scherzinger
Best known as the lead singer of the Pussycat Dolls, the 31-year-old Scherzinger would seem to have a natural advantage on “DWTS” due to her extensive singing/dancing work. Now that her bandmates are moving on and she’s strapping on her dancing shoes, could this indicate that the Pussycat Dolls have made their last meow?
Kate Gosselin
The newly divorced reality star and mother of eight, Kate, 34, has fueled so many tabloid reports that she’s as recognizable to supermarket shoppers as Aunt Jemima. Now, she’ll be talked about for her dancing skills or — according to her — lack thereof. Will Jon be doing some heavy-duty babysitting on his own this season?
Chad Ochocinco
Every class needs a football player, and Cincinnati Bengals wide receiver Chad Ochocinco will soon be using his soft hands to cradle a dancing partner rather than a pigskin. Ochocinco joins the fast-growing ranks of NFL players who have competed in the dancing competition, including Warren Sapp and Jerry Rice. Born Chad Johnson, the colorful player legally changed his name to the Spanish words for “eight” and “five,” and recently announced he’d be changing it again to the Japanese words — so, get ready for Chad Hachi Go. Let’s just hope there’s a lot of room for name inscribing on that mirror-ball trophy.
Shannen Doherty
Like former co-stars Jennie Garth and Ian Ziering before her, “Beverly Hills, 90210″ alum Shannen Doherty, 38, will be leaving West Bev in the dust for “Dancing With the Stars.” The former Brenda Walsh spoke out publicly in 2007 against going on such shows, setting her up perfectly to continue a career-long tradition of rocking the boat. In semi-related news, Brian Austin Green continues to wait by the phone wearing a leotard and tap shoes.
Evan Lysacek
At the just-concluded Winter Olympics, this 24-year-old figure skater took home the gold; now, he’ll be trying to duplicate that success on the dance floor. Trading in his skates for dance shoes, Lysacek won’t be able to move quite as fast without the ice beneath him — but hey, at least he’ll be warmer.
Erin Andrews
Long beloved by sports fans for her brains, beauty and sideline-reporting skills, Andrews has spent her recent days making TV commercials and dealing with a bizarre peeping-Tom video. Forget about dancing — it will be weird just to see her without a microphone in her hand.
Buzz Aldrin
The original moonwalker, Aldrin was on the historic Apollo 11 mission and accompanied Neil Armstrong as they set foot on the moon. Now, he’s 80 years old and still active enough to think he can teach those other “DWTS” whippersnappers a thing or two. Something tells us it’s gonna take a lot more than Tang and powdered ice cream to get him through this one.
Aiden Turner
The British stud, best known for his role as Aidan Devane on “All My Children,” follows in the footsteps of other ABC soap stars like Kelly Monaco and Cameron Mathison on “DWTS.” A cameo in Spice Girl Geri Halliwell’s “Bag It Up” music video might give the 32-year-old a leg up on the competition.
Niecy Nash
The “Reno 911″ funnywoman has often branched out from acting, with her hosting duties on “Clean House” and her panelist gig on “The Insider.” Now, the 40-year-old comic actress will stretch her skills even further to see how she fares on the dance floor.
Jake Pavelka
It might have seemed like an odd choice to reveal the “DWTS” lineup during “The Bachelor,” but then the last contestant was announced: Jake. Between his search for love and now the dancing show, ABC is really taking care of the pilot.
Exile is an American Country Band best known for their One-Hit Wonder “Kiss You All Over“, which reached #1 on the Billboard Charts in 1978.
A follow-up single, “You Thrill Me” did manage to sneak onto the charts at #40 that same year, but in the world of Pop/Rock Music, the band is still frequently called a One-Hit Wonder.
After finding that limited success on the Billboard Top-40 charts, the band stayed in the Country Music genre starting in the early 1980’s.
Their Country Music career has resulted in 19 Top-40 singles on the Billboard Country Charts.
Ten of their singles went to #1 on the Country Charts.
The group, which officially started in 1963, and which has undergone a number of major changes in members, is still active forty-seven long years after they first started.
For a little fun, let me ask you, dear ones, this question that I myself have been debating today:
Who was more high during their MTV Unplugged special – Layne Staley of Alice In Chains or Scott Weiland of Stone Temple Pilots?
Now, I’m not going to answer this myself in this blog. Instead, I present the evidence for your viewing, and offer you the chance to vote and discuss. I know this will be a close race, but someone must be crowned “he who consumed the most drugs” today. And as a bonus, we can revel in amazing music created by people with heavy sorrow – in spite of that burden, even.
I will say one thing: some argue Layne was on methadone at this point; I say given he didn’t want to do the show, he took something more to get by.
Contestant #1: Layne Staley (he would be the blonde upfront)
Exhibit A: Heaven Beside You
Exhibit B: Would?
Exhibit C: Nutshell
Contestant #2: Scott Weiland (he who rocks in the chair upfront)
Autograph was an American Hard Rock Band led by lead singer Steve Plunkett.
The group was first formed in Los Angeles in 1983.
They are best known for their One-Hit Wonder, the 1984 song “Turn up the Radio” which peaked at #29 on the Billboard Top-40 Charts.
That single, and one other single, “Blondes in Black Cars” charted in the top-40 of the Billboard Rock Charts, and that was all the chart success that the band would enjoy.
The band was active from 1983-1989, and from 2002-2005, but is now inactive.
They ended up recording 6 Studio Albums over the course of their career.
Vh-1 named “Turn up the Radio” as the 93rd Best Hard Rock Song of All-Time.
The song was featured in an episode of “Miami Vice“, and is also featured on the “Grand Theft Auto: Vice City” video game.
A native of the Sonora desert of Mexico, Rafael Esquer has made New York City his home for more than a decade. As Creative Director at @radical.media, his group’s work in communication design received the National Design Award in 2004 from the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum.
Esquer now runs Alfalfa Studio, his own design studio which was established in 2004. Clients have included The New York Times Magazine, Nike, Björk, AIGA, The Philip Johnson Glass House, The Houston Rockets, Tommy Boy Records, Target, IBM, Scholastic, International Flavors & Fragrances Inc., Museo del Barrio, and MTV. Some of his work is contained in the Library of Congress poster collection, the Museum of Fine Art in Montreal, the Poster Museum in Poland and the Olympic Museum in Switzerland.
In 2007, Taschen named Esquer one of the world’s 100 most influential graphic designers working today. (Charlotte and Peter Field, eds. Contemporary Graphic Design). Rafael teaches at the School of Visual Arts, and he has taught at the Art Center College of Design and NYU. He has been a visiting artist in the graduate graphic design program at Yale and served on the board of directors for the American Institute of Graphic Arts/New York.
Esquer currently sits on the Advisory Board for AIGA’s Diversity Archives, curating the first exhibition of minority graphic designers over the last 100 years. Esquer received his BFA in graphic design from Art Center College of Design. He frequently serves as judge and speaker at national and international design events
______________________________________________________________ About Being Latino: Being Latino is a communication platform designed to educate, entertain and connect all peoples across the global Latino spectrum. Our aim is to break down barriers and foster unity and empowerment through informative, thought-provoking dialogue and exchanging of ideas. Being Latino seeks to give a unified voice to the multitude of communities that identify with the multidimensional culture that is Latino.
The hair, the clothes, the attitude – so awesome! Also: all still in style. Too bad MTV forgot about playing actual videos. These days a VJ would have to be 16 and pregnant to get on the air.
Thomas Dolby is an English Singer, Musician, and Producer.
He is best known for his One-Hit Wonder, the 1982 hit “She Blinded Me With Science” which peaked at #5 on the Billboard Top-40 Charts.
The video for “She Blinded Me With Science” was a staple on MTV during the early 1980’s.
She song was featured in a “Treehouse of Horror” episode of “The Simpsons“.
He would chart Five songs into the Top-40 of the British Charts over his career, but had just the one hit here in the US.
Contrary to rumour, he is NOT the inventor of the Dolby Stereo Technology. Dolby’s name is actually Thomas Robertson. “Dolby” was a nickname given to him by classmates due to his obsession with Dolby Laboratories Cassette players.
He is a noted session musician, primarily on keyboards and synthesizers.
He played Keyboards on the 1983 Def Leppard album “Pyromania“.
He also played Synthesizer on two of Foreigner’s biggest hits, “Urgent” and “Waiting for a Girl Like You“.
He has produced records for a number of artists, including Joni Mitchell and others.
He has released 9 studio Albums in his career.
A 1988 Album of his has one of the All-Time great Album titles…..”Aliens Ate My Buick“.
He continues to record new material and tour the globe.
He has started an electronic ringtone company, Retro Ringtones, and has developed 100’s of electronic ringtones for use on cell phones.
If your ringtone is an electronic version of a popular retro-hit, chances are good that Dolby developed the ringtone.
He is married to American Actress Kathleen Beller and they have 3 children together.
Denise & I just finished season one of Jersey Shore, a reality show about Guidos and Guidettes living in & around the Jersey Shore. It’s like The Real World but based on the subculture of Guido, which has become more & more popular over the past couple of years.
We’ve always had a love for Guidos, just because they look so silly sometimes. Guidos are over-tanned, muscular ‘juiceheads’, generally Italian, however people from other cultural backgrounds can be Guidos as well. So when we heard about this new show called Jersey Shore & how it was based on Guidos, we were pretty excited to watch it.
As you’d expect from a reality show, it was dramatic & there for entertainment instead of anything else. The kids in the house are all mainly early to mid 20s & are living the Guido lifestyle, which includes drinking & partying all night & working out at the gym, sometimes working in a t-shirt shop & basically doing nothing else. Which definitely makes for interesting television.
It’s become a bit of a phenomenon for many reasons. There has been massive amounts of backlash because of the negative portrayal of Italian-Americans, the multiple physical fights that happen on the show & the huge ratings that Jersey Shore has pulled.
So I definitely recommend that you give it a go. It’s hilarious & much better than most reality shows. Yes.