Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Stephanie verlaat The Hills...?

Lo, Audrina & Stephanie

What the F***? Stephanie Pratt gaat The Hills verlaten na seizoen 6, het seizoen wat gisteren van start is gegaan in Amerika. Dat meen je niet. Eerst LC Lauren Conrad, Audrina Partridge heeft haar vertrek na dit seizoen al aangekondigd en nu Steph… En ze beweert dat ook Lo er waarschijnlijk ook stopt na dit seizoen.
Halloooo, de serie moet wel leuk blijven!
Nu had ik in eerste instatie weinig met Stephanie Pratt maar al heel snel kwam ik erachter dat ze toch wel een hele gezellige aanwinst is voor de show. Ze zit vol met fijne opmerkingen en gebeuren er altijd leuke dingen rond haar persoontje. Grappig vond ik opmerking over haar hamster die een cavia werd of was het nu omgekeerd? Brody Jenner die haar elke keer weer uitkotst, hoewe l er komt een moment dat hij haar wel ok vindt Spoiler Alert?. En zo is het bij mij ook gegaan. Eerst kotste ik haar uit en nu vind ik haar ge-wel-dig!
Dat Audrina gaat is tot daar aan toe. Ik kreeg soms plaatsvervangende schaamte als ik haar weer over Justin Bobby zag kwijlen. SPOILER ALERT Of later, haar schaamteloze geflirt met Brody. Met Audrina ben ik echt wel klaar, geloof ik. Echter Stephanie is langzaam maar zeker één van mijn favoriete actrices dames geworden…
Nu moet ik wel zeggen dat Stephanie bij lange na niet kan tippen aan Lauren Bosworth.
Lootje is namelijk nog leuker. Zo werd ze neergezet als een ware she-devil maar ik moet eerlijk zeggen dat dat haar waarschijnlijk ook zo leuk maakt. Ik hou wel van haar humor en observaties. En ik moet nu ook ernstig nadenken of ik wel blijf kijken als Lo ook zou vertrekken.
Hoewel, het nieuwe seizoen met Kristin Cavallari beloofd heel wat en ik ben al fan van haar voor ik ook maar één aflevering heb gezien van seizoen 6. Kristin zorgt vast voor veel dramz en dat vooruitzicht maakt mij blij.
Dus wellicht maakt Kristin veel goed voor het evenntuele vertrek van Stephanie Pratt en Lo…..

Welcome Back to The Hills [Live-blog]

Heidi: "What's that smell?" Spencer: "Must be those burritos."

It’s time!

After months of waiting (and trying to avoid anything and everything Speidi-related), The Hills back. Yeah, it’s without Lauren, but she was getting boring anyway. It’s one thing to love her as a person (which I do), but it’s quite another to love watching her on a show (which I slept through).

So bring on Kristin!
Bring back Jusin Bobby’s berets!
Give Stephanie Pratt a cookie!
Give Spencer Pratt a labotomy!

And bring on the drama.

In case you missed it/want to reduce your IQ 100-150 points, Speidi has been doing some sort of live stream leading up to the season premier. Personally, I would rather get a poop facial than support anything those turds do, but someone sent it to me and now I can’t look away.

I. must. look. away.

Anyways, sit tight. Only 20 more minutes until the BIG PREMIER! I’m gonna go cut up an apple for a healthy snack. Wait, who am I kidding? I’m running to the corner for some cookie dough ice cream. I’ll be back!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Pro.So Presents 2 You~~~~~~> HOLLYWOOD DON DIVA


Live From D.C, We present to you the multi-talented Don Diva…DMV STAND-UP!!!












Where you reppin: WASHINGTON, DC
Measurements: 36B-24-36

Relationship status? RELATIONSHIP
What would you say is your “money maker” feature on your body? MY BREAST AND MY FACE
What’s your zodiac sign? TAURUS
Favorite comedian? MARTIN LAWARENCE
If you had to sleep with one female in the world, who would it be (LOL)? NICKI MINAJ
If you were president, what would the world be like (Keep it real, LoL)? RICH AND PLENTY PRETTY CLOTHES. LOL.
Which would you rather, an expensive car or expensive home? EXPENSIVE HOME, I CAN GET A RIDE. LOL
What side orders are better than Red Lobster Biscuits, in your opinion? I LOVE MASH POTATOES WITH GRAVY.
Is there one person that knows EVERYTHING about you? YES, MY MOTHER, AND MY LOVE.
What’s the worst thing a man can do to you? DISRESPECTING ME.

If you were handed a contract that said choose one “ACTRESS or MODEL”,
Tell us something that your parents would be SHOCKED to know about you? IM HORNY ALL THE TIME. LOL
Have you ever been a victim of catching your parents having sex (LoLoL) ? YES, IT TURNED MY STOMACH.
How can potential photographers reach you? (myspace,facebook,twitter ect…)


Sunday, September 27, 2009


Il concertone di sabato 26|09 a Piazza del Popolo, che ha ospitato la finale degli MTV music award, ha consacrato come migliore Summer Song 2009 il brano Dentro ogni brivido di Marco Carta, lasciando alle ultime posizioni l’unico brano e artista meritevoli di  attenzione, Noemi e le sue Briciole.

Per il resto, a parte l’affetto che nutro per motivi generazionali per J-Ax, mi sembra che sia stata una bella carrellata di ovvietà, dove si nota una forte mancanza di personalità degli artisti e un basso livello musicale. A volte mi stupisco di come la gente possa apprezzare certe note e l’unica spiegazione la ritrovo nelle massicce campagne promozionali che vengono create intorno a questi  eventi. Sono mesi che MTV ‘ci’ fa il lavaggio del cervello cercando di promuovere questo circuito musicale. Ed ecco che le piazze si riempiono di gente.

Tuttavia penso che emittenti importanti come MTV, capaci di dialogare con la popolazione più giovane che sta forgiando la propria mente affinchè un giorno diventi opinione e preferenza – anche all’acquisto, hanno anche un dovere morale legato ad una divulgazione giusta e democratica della musica. Per assurdo e di conseguenza anche la musica ne soffre, perchè automaticamente, entrando a far parte del baraccone commerciale, agli occhi di un’altra opinione pubblica – quella di chi conosce tutta la musica, si scredita.

Una magra consolazione mi arriva oggi da YouTube, dove noto una raffica di insulti e provocazioni a commentare l’ultimo brano di Vasco Ad Ogni Costo, che il suo canale ha pubblicato il 25|09 . Si tratta di una cover della ballad dei Radiohead intitolata Creep, un brano autobiografico intenso ed emozionante che il Vasco nazionale trasforma in una melensa canzoncina, impoverita musicalmente e con quel sapore di tristezza triste che ormai Rossi trasmette ad ogni sua testo >>> VEDERE x CREDERE

Forse qualcosa sta cambiando nelle teste e qualcuno comincia ad aprire le orecchie. Me lo auguro. Io questa sera vado a Ponte Milvio, alla rassegna Musica Senza Confini mille suoni dal mondo evento dell’Estate Romana dedicato alla World Music e sono sicura che non ne resterò delusa. >>> POST di APPROFONDIMENTO

Ronaldo deve apresentar última categoria do VMB

O jogador Ronaldo é a mais nova celebridade cotada para apresentar um dos prêmios do VMB. O craque do Corinthians deve entregar a última estatueta da premiação, na categoria de Clipe do Ano.

Entre os famosos já confirmados para participar da premiação estão Theo Becker, Jonathan Haagensen, Giselle Itié, Mallu Magalhães, Sophia e Nando Reis, João Gordo e Eliana. Além deles, a MTV convidou Jesus Luz para entregar uma estatueta, mas o namorado de Madonna ainda não confirmou sua presença.

O Video Music Brasil 2009 acontece no próximo dia 1º de outubro em São Paulo e será transmitido ao vivo pela MTV a partir das 21h30.

Friday, September 25, 2009



A exposição rolou e foi um sucesso! Muita gente bacana e que eu gosto muito apareceu por lá! E o melhor, consegui um acervo incrivel de novas imagens para postar aqui e fazerem parte do projeto. Uma nova exposição está sendo organizada, em que eu também vou fotografar, então, quem não foi dessa vez, já anota na agenda, ainda não sei o dia, mas será em Outubro. 

Obrigada pela presença no evento e aqui no blog. 

Abraços a todos!

















































































Heel veel hits

Er is een periode geweest dat ik alle hits uit de top 40 kende. Dat ik met een microfoontje voor de radio zat om mijn favoriete hits op te nemen op mijn cassetterecorder. Er bleef nog altijd een klein stukje tekst van de discjockey aan de voor- of achterkant plakken omdat het heel moeilijk was om dat precies uit te mikken. Dat stukje tekst bleef dan door het vele luisteren voor altijd in mijn hoofd aan het nummer verbonden. Niks geen usb kabeltje en gelukkig maar, anders was ik een charmante jeugdherinnering armer.  Om mijn leven even samen te vatten: daarna volgde er een lange periode waarin ik alleen cdtjes kocht (en luisterde) van zoetzingendezangeressen.  Er is in mijn geheugen een gat geslagen van meer dan een decennium aan top 40 hits.

Dat begon weer bij te trekken toen mijn kinderen opgroeiden en de leeftijd van grote paddenstoelen en groene knollenlanden achter zich lieten en naar MTV en TMF en VMT gingen kijken. Betrokken moeder die ik wil zijn probeer ik sindsdien te volgen welke artisten hip en hop zijn.  Maar dat blijkt nog helemaal niet zo simpel. Het grootste probleem is de voortdurende transformatie van vooral de zangeressen. Bij elke nieuwe plaat hoort een nieuw image, een nieuwe look. Haren blond, haren bruin, haren kort, haren lang en soms zelfs haren weg. Het is niet verwonderlijk dat ze allemaal tamelijk jong zijn en over een strak figuur beschikken. (huh beschikken? beschik je over een figuur?) Dus dat kan ook al geen aanknopingspunt zijn.

Britney Spears, Shakira, Christina Aguilera, Fergie, Jessica Simpson, Rihanna, of ze nou alleen een voor- of ook een achternaam hebben, ze  zijn voor mij volslagen inwisselbaar.  Daar zullen ze zelf overigens anders over denken.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Mixtape by Sono | Skinhead Reggae e Rap?

Recentemente Sono do You&Me, selector do Jurassic Sound System e também redator para o blog 2 Deep Mixtape da MTV fez uma mixtape de Skinhead Reggae para o blog Per Raps. Para acompanhar a mix, um belo texto sobre a relação entre esse ritmo e o Rap. Muitos podem achar que reggae e rap não tem nada a ver, mas enganam-se. Apreciem o som enquanto fazem uma boa leitura:


  1. Joe Gibbs All Stars – Hijacked (Amalgamated 1970)
  2. The Dynamites – Dulcimenia (Clandisc 1969)
  3. Count Matchuki – Movements (The Joe Gibbs Way) (Amalgamated 1970)
  4. GG All Stars – Barbabus (Blank)
  5. Desmond Reily – Out Your Fire (Downtown 1970)
  6. The Young Souls – Man A Wail (Amalgamated 1969)
  7. Tony Scott – What Am I To Do (Escort 1969)
  8. The Charmers – What Should I Do (Blank)
  9. Prince Buster – Kiss You Again (Blank)
  10. Audrey – You’ll Lose a Good Thing (Downtown 1969)
  11. Lloyd & Glen – Girl You’re Cold (Blank)
  12. Anthony Ellis – I’m The Ruler (Studio 1 1970)


É minha primeira mix aqui no Per Raps e já vou logo apelando para as raridades retiradas diretamente do vinil, mix repleta de Skinhead reggae/Early reagge que foram escolhidas baseadas pelo meu gosto musical. Esses gêneros, junto com o ska, são a raíz da musica jamaicana, diferente do ROOTS que o pessoal aqui do Brasil costuma a gostar… hoje vocês vão conferir a verdadeira raíz da música jamaicana.Agora vocês me perguntam, o por que do nome skinhead reggae? A Jamaica era colônia da Inglaterra e, em 1962, conquistou a independência. Acontece que, nos anos seguintes, os jamaicanos perceberam que aquilo não iria mudar em nada a vida deles e a Jamaica continuaria a ser um país pobre. Então eles começaram a emigrar para a Inglaterra e, dentre esses imigrantes, estavam os Rude Boys.

Rude Boys eram os barras-pesadas da Jamaica, os ladrões e briguentos. Eles eram fãs de filmes de máfia e se vestiam igual aos mafiosos (ternos alinhados e mais justos). Esse era o grande público de reggae da Jamaica nessa época. Os Mods, por sua vez, eram garotos ingleses que existiam no final dos anos 50 e que curtiam música negra norte-americana, como jazz, soul e rhytmn and blues. Foi questão de tempo pra esses dois grupos perceberam muitas afinidades e daí nascer a cultura Skinhead.

A cultura Skinhead, em seu começo, nada tinha a ver com racismo ou qualquer forma discriminatória, mas sim com o amar a música jamaicana, dançar mais do que todo mundo e ter uma forma peculiar de se vestir.

E o que tudo isso tem a ver com música? Essa é, para muita gente, a melhor época do Reggae. Durante esses anos, músicos jamaicanos faziam música comercial pra agradar o seu novo público inglês, os tais Skinheads, e justamente por isso, passou-se a se chamar muito tempo depois de Skinhead Reggae.

Os temas Skinhead Reggae/Early Reggae geralmente tratava de fatos do cotidiano, como sexo, tretas, violência, vandalismo e até por temas incomuns. É comum também o uso do orgão Hammond em diversas faixas dessa época, que é tão importante quanto os vocais, vide as faixas de reggae instrumental que separei nessa mix. Então vamos comentar algumas faixas que são importantes para o reggae e para música em geral.

A primeira faixa se trata de uma produção do engenheiro eletrônico Joe Gibbs, que também é o fundador da label Amalgamated (selecionei diversos compactos dessa label na mix), que lançou diversos sucessos obscuros no final da década de 60. Joe Gibbs passou um tempo nos Estados Unidos como eletricista, voltou a Jamaica e em sua loja que consertava TV’s começou a vender discos. Com o grande crescimento da cena musical, Gibbs começou a gravar no fundo de sua loja alguns artistas com a ajuda de Lee Perry (que na época não era mais sócio de ‘Coxsone Dodd’) e foi ai que o selo Amalgamated nasceu.

A terceira faixa é a do mestre Count Matchuki, o primeiro deejay jamaicano e é de extrema importância para a música mundial. Influenciou nomes como King Stitt, U Roy, Dennis Alcapone, Prince Far I, Dilling, Lone Ranger e outros grandes Deejays da ilha. Foi ele quem criou o ‘Reggae Scorcher’ que influenciou na criação de outros estilos musicais, como o Dancehall, o ragga e até mesmo o rap.

Começou repetindo chamadas para festas nas introduções das músicas e percebeu que as pessoas gostavam de um ‘mestre de cerimonias’, não feliz em só repetir as mesmas coisas, Machuki começou a compor suas próprias falas, assim ganhando muitos admiradores. Foi ele quem começou também os chamados “peps”, o famoso som vocal repetido diversas vezes acompanhando a batida da música, muito popular no Ska. A pronuncia mais próxima seria algo como ‘chika-a-took-chika-a-took-chika-a-took’, bem notável na música selecionada nessa mix.

Os “peps” criados por Count Matchuki são as raízes do que nós conhecemos hoje como beat box. Count Matchuki era preciso com suas frases, não as despejava como os outros deejays. U-Roy um dia disse: “Count Matchuki é perfeito, é fácil fazer faixas de scorcher com milhares de frases, díficil é ter a precisão de Matchuki”.

Então muito respeito para Count Matchuki, sem ele, o rap não seria o mesmo.


That made up/distorted word basically describes my weekend and is a quote from super-producer 9th Wonder that he made to me after “Hip Hop Love” on Saturday night. When I say “weekend” I really mean, Wednesday September 16th until Sunday September 20th, that was my crazy 5 day adventure!

Day 1 – Weds Sept 16th: This was the day that started it all and surprisingly it was actually one of the more relaxing, which featured a night at the movies with “The Freshest Kids” and “Bomb It”. In the spirit of community, I told myself that I would make it out to every day of the Manifesto’s 5-day run to shake hands & kiss babies etc. After arriving a bit late with the Real Good team, we got there just in time for the beginning of “The Freshest Kids”, a documentary on the evolution of breakdancing/bboys/bgirls/poppin etc.

Did any of yall make it on time for the red carpet? I wonder how those pics turned out, I will keep checking back periodically and post some up when they are available.

I have always been intrigued by the BBoy/BGirl and independant cinema is always a good look, so partaking in this evening was almost a no-brainer. The most important part of this film (for me) was the fact that it included the originiators and trailblazers that created the style(s), moves and element that we still recognize to this day. I’m talking about “Rock Steady Crew” and “New York City Breakers”, amongst others, who really started dancing as a way to express their style & emotion(s), much like rappers, dj’s and graf writers do.

I didn’t know that “Flashdance” featured RSC (Rock Steady Crew) and the New York City Breakers danced for the Olympics/President in 1984. That’s pretty epic! Considering that Hip Hop (as a culture) was still very primitive and merely a shell of what it is today.

Also, movie gave a great insight on the emergence of “Poppin” & “Lockin” on the West Coast and how Breakin’ made it’s way out there in the early 80’s as well.

I was initially going to lead into my “Bomb It” review with a terrorist reference, but I found it to be in bad taste, so here I am.. This is kinda awkward, so let’s just get right into it.

“Bomb It” details the widespread acceptance and continous practice of “Bombing” and “Graf Writing”, it shows the mass appeal of a culture that is still outlawed in many countries and is still somewhat “underground”. I enjoyed seeing the different styles of writing from writers in different countries/continents. For example, writers from New York/Philadelphia tend to blend their letters with pictures and other visuals, so their pieces look very unique and sometimes hard to read. Meanwhile, writers from Paris & Europe in general, tend to focus mainly on their lettering and did not initially incorporate other designs/visuals with their pieces. I always preferred the harder to read, more elaborate writing that was done originally in the USA, but the “letters only” pieces from Europe are dope as well!

Day 2 – Thurs Sept 17th: I never actually ended up going to this! Oops! Sorry BBoys & BGirls! I had full intentions of attending this and watching some of the best breakers in the world get busy, but I think we were still feeling a little fatigue from the previous night and current day, so things didn’t pan out as planned. I ended up checking out DJ Mensa do his thing at Octapus for “Social Experiement” with mans like DJ Royale and gyal like Citrus & Jillicious. The night ended up being pretty cool, as I answered 2 of 3 Kid Cudi trivia questions correctly to win a copy of his debut album! Nonetheless, I heard the BBoy Championship was a success and I’m definitely happy for all the participants & organizers for putting on another strong Manifesto event and pushing forward with this thing we call “Hip Hop”.

Day 3 – Fri Sept 18th: Friday was definitely one of the longest days and possibly one of the most tiring as well! It began with Surreal Sound, Sha Jo Mo & Myself heading downtown at around 10:45am to begin preparing last minute Festival guide’s and flyers for the weekend at the Manifesto HQ. It’s hard to describe what 10 hours of stop & go driving is like, but it’s pretty easy to describe your feeling(s) after it: TIRED!

I want to take the time to shout out the homie Jesse O. from The Academy/Manifesto for indirectly showing me the kind of dedication necessary when it comes to flyering and doing around the way promotion. We went from Downtown to Uptown to Downtown and many areas in between! Dropping off festival guides and flyers to any & everybody who was willing to accept them.

Other than a quick 30 minute break for some delicious eats at BBQ Express on Queen St. W, we didn’t really stop until things were pretty much taken care of at around 8pm. I dropped Jesse off and we headed back home to get ready, after all, we had to be back downtown within a couple hours for the 3-Floor Art Show! Unfortunately, we missed DJ Mensa’s set, but we were still able to get in, check out 3 floors of incredible art and Jason Palma throwing down some craziness on the 2nd floor alongside a couple dudes gettin’ busy on the MPCs! Pause

On a more egotistical note, I was informed that the “Hip Hop Love: 9th Wonder” video (which I posted up on here a few days ago) was being shown on the side of a building, drive-in movie style for hundreds of people (in line and passing by) to see. Unfortunately, I was kinda slow with the pics, so I actually missed the shot of myself up there but I did manage to catch the text!


3 Days down, only 2 to go! But, Day 4 was the most important day personally, so it had the most pressure.

Day 4 – Sat Sept 19th: This was definitely one of the biggest nights of my career thus far, however, I wasn’t feeling pressured or stressed at all. I just woke up and started my day off regularly, without letting things build up or get to me. I believe it was around 12:45pm when I was sitting in my car at the YMCA parking lot when I got a call from Surreal Sound. He wanted to know if I was interested in picking up 9th Wonder from the airport. lol C’mon now! That conversation lasted less than a minute and I entered the gym with a really positive attitude, I mean, I was about to head to the airport to pick up one of the best producers of the past decade.

I don’t know how all of my fellow artists/DJs/MCs feel, but I love working out the day of my event, it just makes me feel better about everything, it’s a hard feeling to describe I guess. So, after a nice workout, I headed home and threw together a couple duffle bags before I headed to the hotel to meet up with the gang then head to the airport. Even though I live only 30 minutes from the venue, I decided to get a hotel for the evening, because I figured that it would be beneficial for me to be closer to all the action. It worked out perfectly because Surreal was staying in the same hotel and it was only 15 minutes away from the venue.

Around 4pm we met up with True School Corp’s DJ Cuzzin B & Jay Clipp to grab some food before we headed to the airport to pick up the special guest of the evening, 9th Wonder. It was kinda trippy looking into my rearview and seeing 9th’s head, it kinda reminded me of the “God’s Stepson” album cover (where his head is just pasted on Nasir’s body)

“Hip Hop Love” was a slow start, but once it got going it’s safe to say that everyone at Premium Rhythm Bar was having a great time and it was obvious with all the drinks flowing & people tearing up the dancefloor! A special surprise of the night came very early, as I was greeted with a pound by none other than Brooklyn’s own Dirty Rotten Scoundrel, Jeru Da Damaja! He was in town since the day before and actually requested to check out this party, it was definitely amazing to have him in the building and being able to interact with an MC I look up to is always special.

I had a really incredible time this weekend and the party I was most concerned with, went off nicely and I want to extended a huge shout to Vince, 9th, Cuzzin B & Jay Clipp for doing their thing and definitely playing a major role in the success of the night. Also, to the Manifesto staff for working so diligently in promoting the event and for their efforts in covering every magical moment, through photography and videography. Last but certainly not least, the Real Good family (Surreal & Marc Genius) for allowing me to do my thing and including me in this big party as always. It’s always “business 2nd” with us, because I feel like I’m working with family everytime, you know!

After it was all said and done, the entire team of artists enjoyed the night and we all left the venue with good vibes as the next stop would be the traditional late night meal. But, not before I turned into a man-fan and asked 9th to sign my Jay-Z “The Black Album” CD insert booklet, right on the “Threat” page. Sweeeeet! As soon as I tag the pic, I will decide if I want to post it or not. lol

Day 5 – Sun Sept 20th: Wow. 5 days of madness was almost over at this point, but I can definitely admit that my body was tired and although I was looking forward to all the artists that took the stage that day, I was also anticipating the end of it all when I could just sleep!

In terms of Canadian artists, I want to big up Solitair for putting on an amazing show, which included Ro Dolla for a guest appearance during “Easy 2 Slip”. That was definitely the highlight & surprise of all the local artists, hearing that song just made me remember how dope it was and it gave me a new appreciation for it. Tona & Lyve were really ill as well, they are one of the few cats that are staying true to that “Boom Bap” style of Hip Hop music and you can’t be mad at that! Ayah & Saukrates as special guests doesn’t hurt either! Colin Munroe is a really talented dude, but I was somewhat disappointed that the majority of his set (all but 1 song) were rock/grunge sounding tracks. Is that what his mixtape sounds like?! I dunno, but closing his set with “Flashing Lights” was incredible, that is definitely my favourite C. Munroe track and it’s not even his song technically! I kinda wished he performed “Piano Lessons”, but oh well, maybe next time! Saidah Baba Talibah had a live band backing her and although I felt that her set dragged a little bit, I definitely want to commend her for a great selection of music and her voice is really strong. I can see a lot of people who haven’t heard of her, turning into fans after this performance, her stage presence was great, voice stood out and the energy of her crew was dope!

Talib Kweli & Hi-Tek aka Reflection Eternal were the headliners and they really killed it! Our True School homies, 9th Wonder and Jay Clipp, took the stage to introduce the closing act as all of our anticipating and waiting had finally paid off. With Jeru quietly taking pictures near the side of the stage, Kweli & Hi-Tek took the stage to perform songs off their critically acclaimed “Train of Thought” LP, as well as new material and various Kweli solo joints. “The Blast”, “Round & Round”, “Get By”, “Eternalists” and “Down For The Count” were definitely the standout tracks for me! This was my 2nd time seeing Kweli live and he did not disappoint this time around either.

Overall, year 3 of Manifesto was amazing for me and I know there are many others that feel the same way.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

AUDIO: Jay-Z Talks to Angie Martinez About Lil' Mama Incident [09.23.09]

If she hasn’t already pulled off a BOOHOO cry, now is the time.

Audio link after the jump.

Transcription Via Nahright:

“I would never do that, I would never have the nerve to do that.. I thought it was the equivalant to what Kanye did to Taylor Swift, but nobody really talked about that cuz I’m not a little sweet girl from Middle America… We worked really hard… People put in weeks to make that performance happen. If you look at those screens, we had to go to Yankee Stadium. We did rehersals, run-throughs… I was a little angry, yeah. But what I’ma do, fight Lil Mama?”

Download the Audio.

Michael Jackson será interpretado en pelicula por Omer Bhatti

Segúna información publicada por “The Sun”  Omer Bhatti  (muy probablemente el 1er hijo de Michael) interpretará a Michael Jackson en la película narrará la historia desde su debut en solitario con “Off The Wall”, pasando por el tremendo éxito de su “Thriller”  hasta principios de los años noventa, justo antes que fuera acusado de abusos sexuales a menores a principios de los noventa.

Omer ya ha trabajadó como doble de Michael en varias ocasiones.

La familia Jackson es quien impulsa el proyecto porque desea contar en el cine la extraordinaria carrera  de Michael desde un punto de vista dramático: su infancia  y adolescencia, pero sobre todo sus años de gloria.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Jay-Z Says "Nobody Is Scared Of 50 Cent"

In a recent interview in the UK with BBC Radio 1’s Trevor Nelson, Jay-Z was asked about the Kanye VMA incident and also brought up 50 Cent telling MTV News that Kanye wouldn’t have gone up there had it been him up there accepting the award. To which Jay-Z responded “I think he would have done it if it was 50 Cent. Nobody is scared of 50 Cent…”

Ahhh…it would appear that 50 may have an opening to actually have some promotion and a marketing ploy to finally drop his album.  We all know it’s highly likely Fif can take that remark and run with it just like The Game. Listen to the remark below:

The audio link to the full interview is here and the remark about 50 Cent is made at the 1:23 mark.

VB210: Elpasszolja a futball-vb jogait az MTV?

Továbbadhatja a 2010-es labdarúgó-világbajnokság közvetítési jogait az MTV – értesült a Népszabadság.

Tudomásunk szerint az ügyben a jövő héten dönt a köztelevízió kuratóriuma, ám belső körökben már “biztos váltásról” beszélnek. Úgy tudjuk, a csatorna vezetősége az RTL Klubbal tárgyal. A kereskedelmi tévénél érdeklődésünkre Rényi Ádám kommunikációs igazgató azt mondta: nem kívánja kommentálni az információt.

Az MTV 2007 májusában jelentette be, hogy megszerezte a dél-afrikai vb hatvannégy mérkőzésének a közvetítési jogát. Az esemény sajtótájékoztatóján Rudi Zoltán akkori elnök azt közölte: a joggal az európai rádiós és televíziós szervezet (EBU) rendelkezik, s az MTV EBU-tagként kapta meg a magyarországi sugárzási lehetőséget.


Monday, September 21, 2009

Jak zniszczyć swój wizerunek w 15 sekund

Kanye West na ostatnim rozdaniu Video Music Awards, pokazał jak skutecznie można zniszczyć swój wizerunek i zniechęcić do siebie nie tylko publiczność ale również środowisko artystów czy polityków. Inna sprawa, że pewno mało kto zapamiętałby fakt, że Taylor Swift dostała jakąkolwiek nagrodę. Tymczasem, teraz dowiedział się o tym cały świat.

Najlepiej na całym zamieszaniu wyszła mimo wszystko Beyonce, którą tak zaciekle bronił Kanye West. Piosenkarka po całym zdarzeniu, nie dość, że zgarnęła inną nagrodę, to dodatkowo zachowała wielką klasę zapraszając Taylor Swift na scenę.

America's Best Dance Crew Semi-Finals

The one thing odd about the opening credits for this show is that the clips of the dance crews are not very impressive.

Top three crews are We Are Heroes, Massive Monkeys, and Afroborhike.

One crew is safe the other two must battle for a spot in the finale. The crew that is safe is…Afroborhike. Well, that’s a surprise. I expected anyone but them really. This week’s challenge is the Decades of Dance (trendsetters throughout dance history). Afroborhike must show a mastery of 5 dance styles (Lady Gaga, Usher, Up Rock, Paula Abdul, and James Brown). They do a really good job, not all the best dancers (sure wouldn’t win SYTYCD) but still good. It’s kind of like watching cheerleading where so many songs are mixed together that you can’t figure out what is what. Shane Sparks said great concept but they weren’t in sync and not well done on the James Brown moment. Not strong despite the good tricks. Lil Mama felt as though they walked through it to get through it but they killed the Paula Abdul section. They took the easy way out overall. JC congratulates them for making it through to the finals. They have great moments. That performance didn’t blow them away and they have one more chance to do that tonight.

Now for the faceoff. The judges can only offer one crew a spot next week (unless the judges change things, as judges on shows are wont to do).

Massive Monkeys are first. All the crews get the same groups apparently. They do some cool moves but there also seems to be aa lot of repetitive movement also which gets irritating too. (Also, anyone ever notice there’s one guy in their crew who looks super old?) In the beginning I thought this crew would win but now I’m not sure. Lil Mama says not very difficulty but definitely in character for each task and energetic. Cool, fun, flowing, not exciting. JC says the James Brown section had sloppy arms, good Lady Gaga but not difficult. Surprisingly her liked the Paula Abdul part which was thoughtful and creative. Shane says what he wanted but they have to kill EVERYTHING from now on.

We Are Heroes goes now. Everyone seems to have some difficulty with the James Brown part. Oh not a fan of their outfits at all. I really like them and I hope they make it through. Sad because Massive Monkeys is also pretty good but if I had to choose between them. JC says they’ve been fighting all season and that performance was fantastic. There was a part that looked like slo-mo flipping. Shane said they’re versatile and keep everyone into everything. They took nothing for granted, great. Lil Mama said they felt the theme, they fit each section and “did their thing.”

So what does that mean? Which one will go through? The judges will confer during the break.

Time to find out. The crew going through to the finale is…WE ARE HEROES!

Remaining crews will perform one more time tonight which is cool.

Afroborhike wants to show their roots and show that Latinas can win. They created the music for the performance. It sounds more like a tribal African dance. The guys look pretty tribal but the girls don’t really at all. It had some cool parts though I don’t think this was their best performance.

We Are Heroes is next.

Live Blogging…

Sunday, September 20, 2009

lost in stereo.

nem tudom ki ért velem egyet és ki nem, de szerintem az All Time Low jóféle zenét játszik.nagyon szeretem őket.annak ellenére hogy nem játszák a Viván / MTVn a klippjeiket [legalábbis én még nem láttam] kezdenek egyre ismertebbek lenni Magyarországon is, ami szerintem tök jó.mondjuk nem attól lesz egy együttes elfogadott és híres hogy a zene tv-k játszák a klipjeiket.oke nagy részben az is közre játszik, de én pl YouTube-on akadtam beléjük.ugyan így a Metro Stationba is amikor még Mo. még azt sem tudta hogy léteznek.aztán az ő klipjeiket is elkezdte játszani a Viva és jött a nagy Metro Station őrület.szerintem ugyan ez lenne az All Time Low-nál nem tudom hogy az jó lenne e.tudom hogy ez most furán lehet hogy jobb lenne ha a nagyközönség nem ismerné őket annyira.nem tudom mért.lehet hogy azért mert akkor ők is ilyen tucat együttessé válnának.és akkor jönne minden kiscsaj hogy “úristen All Time Low”.nem tudom hogy ez menyire lenne jó.mondjuk így se úgyse fognak jönni Mo.-ra amit sajnálok, mert tökre jó lenne koncertjükre menni :] de ez mind csak álom.a valóság az hogy azok az együttesek akik kicsit ismeretlenebbek vagy most befutottak azok vagy soha, vagy pedig sok év múlva fognak csak ellátogatni ide.addig is be kell érnem a TeCsővel.

[és akkor most mondd azt hogy nem baszott aranyosak *_*]

Not Lady Gaga? Show me your face

If you happened to see Lady Gaga on the MTV VMA’s this week you will remember one of her looks involving a piece of red netting wrapped around her head concealing her face. She looked ridiculous but we instantly knew who it was and that’s partly because she has built a major personal brand - well done to her…

Something I find amazing is the number of people who open social media profiles without showing their faces. The whole point of social media is the personal aspect of building relationships, which when met with a faceless account is lost.

If you follow me on twitter and don’t have your photo on your avatar, I’m won’t follow you back unless I already know you.

More importantly though, it is a important part of building your personal brand. Last week I met face to face with a number of people I have met online, and as we met I felt as though I already knew them well, recognising what they look like being part of this.

So if you want to build your personal brand and make an impact with social media, ignore the lead from Lady Ga Ga and show your face.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

WHY was Lil Mama on stage? SECURITY!

 So as many of you know…I hate Lil mama. I wanted to badly to hold back from wasting my time talking about her bullshit antics after the “incident” on ABDC, but I couldnt contain myself any longer. Im atill mad she hopped her manly ass up on the stage during Jay-Z and Alicia Keys performance. Where the hell was security? I guess the same place they were when Kanye pulled his stunt. In any event, I didnt appreciate her little explanation as to why she felt she could jump on stage. She said she did it because she was “so into the song and she was just feelin it.” Bitch down. Whatever! MTV needs to exclude her AND Kanye from there live events. Enjoy the clip! – xoxo

Single Ladies Generation


Pull me into your arms

Say I’m the one you WANT

if you don’t, you’ll be alone

and like a ghost I’ll be gone

Lyrics from Beyonce’s Single Ladies

For some time now I have not taken Beyonce’s Single Ladies song seriously. I have listened to the song many times but thought it was a fun, great song to dance to (not me lol), never thinking about the hard issues embedded in it until I had a heart to heart conversation with a friend.

For many who have tried dating and searching for love, they’ll admit how sad it gets when the man you expect to pop the question never does, but gets so scared.

I do not support people who spend years dating and flirting with a steady boyfriend/girlfriend and never asks the question to be married or even become exclusive partners. It is ridiculous and makes the guy (most times we are expected to have that discussion) looks silly and his actions questionable. Is he there for the long haul? Is he nervous about commitments? Whatever the answer guys who flirt around for years afraid to enter marriage most times will lose the girl.

Personally, I think men who are wary to enter commitments show characteristics that women should refrain from entertaining in their lives. If both parties give selflessly to the relationship and the man doesn’t ask the question should the female let him go? Should females be expected to start popping the marriage/commitment question then? Certainly women will not consider the suggestion that they should start going on one knee. I would say majority of us (both male and female) would agree that the decision should be left to the man to make.

Now, more than ever women are not waiting on men to go one knee. In the twinkling of an eye another gentleman or lady is ready to take up where you left off. Which brings me to the line Beyonce shouts in her song, “Where my ring at?”

For many women they are asking ‘where is the ring?’. Come on, a good partner doesn’t come by twice. When you have found the one that completes you, challenges you and makes the best love, put the ring on.

If you don’t, you’ll be alone, and like a ghost they’ll be gone.

Friday, September 18, 2009

New Moon MTV trailer

The 3rd HD Official Trailer for “The Twilight Saga: New Moon”, aired on MTV Video Music Awards (VMA).

Release Date: 20 November 2009 (USA)

After Bella recovers from the vampire attack that almost claimed her life, she looks to celebrate her birthday with Edward and his family. However, a minor accident during the festivities results in Bella’s blood being shed, a sight that proves too intense for the Cullens, who decide to leave the town of Forks, Washington for Bella and Edward’s sake. Initially heartbroken, Bella finds a form of comfort in reckless living, as well as an even-closer friendship with Jacob Black. Danger in different forms awaits. Written by IMDb Editors

Distributor: Summit Entertainment (2010) (USA) (theatrical)

Director: Chris Weitz

Writer: Stephenie Meyer (novel), Melissa Rosenberg (screenplay)

Cast: Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner, Ashley Greene, Peter Facinelli, Elizabeth Reaser, Kellan Lutz, Nikki Reed, Jackson Rathbone, Edi Gathegi, Billy Burke, Jamie Campbell Bower, Daniel Cudmore, Dakota Fanning, Cameron Bright, Michael Sheen, Graham Greene, Michael Welch

Genre: Fantasy | Horror | Romance | Thriller

This is what we’ve all been waiting for.  If you missed the MTV awards which didn’t, in my opinion, put enough emphasis on twilight released the last trailer for New Moon.  Check it out!!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

VMA Winners (2009)

Video of the year

Beyonce – Single ladies [slava Domnului ca nu Lady Gaga]

Best new artist

Lady Gaga

Best hip-hop video

Eminem – We made you [woo hoooo ^^]

Best male video

T.I (feat Rihanna) – Live your life [ha! cover dupa un cantec romanesc!!:D]

Best pop video

Britney Spears – Womanizer

Best rock video

Green Day – 21 guns [meritau si Paramore, dar sunt multumita si de aceasta decizie ]

Best female video

Taylor Swift – You belong with me

Best video (that should have won a Moonman)

Beastie Boys – Sabotage

Breakthrough Video

Matt and Kim – Lessons learned

Best art direction

Lady Gaga – Paparazzi

Best choreography

Beyonce – Single ladies

Best cinematography

Green Day – 21 guns

Best direction

Green Day – 21 guns

Best editing

Beyonce – Single ladies

Best special effects

Lady Gaga – Paparazzi

Alte chestii… Au cantat P!nk, Green Day, Taylor Swift, Muse, Janet Jackson, Katy Perry, Wale, 3 OH! 3, Lady Gaga, Beyonce, All-America Rejects, Kid Cudi, Alicia Keys, Jay-Z si cred ca si Lil’ Mama, impreuna cu ultimii doi. De scandalul cu Kanye West si Taylor Swift sigur ati auzit, daca nu, cautati pe youtube. Reluari pe MTV (in Romania) :  Sambata la ora 15:oo; Duminica la ora 14:00 si la ora 23:00.


Enjoy music!


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Hombres, Mujeres, Viceversa y OBK

¿Quién le dio sentido a nuestro amor? No fui yo, fue nuestro corazón.

Con este tipo de letras y otras por el estilo, OBK conquistó el panorama musical español de una manera que todavía hoy muchos no llegamos a comprender. Pues lo mismo ocurre con uno de esos programa de Telecinco, bueno, en realidad con casi todos; pero ahora quería centrarme en el espacio televisivo que parió a Efrén y Soraya. Os acordáis de la historia, ¿no? Un tío de Vélez-Málaga que era un encanto según todas las mujeres (y también, según el share del programa) y que estuvo casi medio año en “Mujeres, hombres y viceversa” dando la tabarra y metiéndosela doblada a casi todo el mundo, Soraya incluida.

Yo del programa, pues básicamente había visto algunos fragmentos y las fotos de Soraya en Interviú, hasta esta mañana. ¡Ay, qué desdicha! Allí estaba Emma García, cuyos programas hacen que “me suba la bilirrubina cuando te miro y no me miras”. ¡Madre de dios hermosa! ¡Esta señora tiene el cielo ganado! “El juego de tu vida” y “Mujeres, hombres y viceversa”. Yo me daría cabezazos contra la pared…

La dinámica del “concurso” es bien sencilla: un tío o una tía, llamados “tronistas” (atiende, pataliebre), a los cuales agasajan mujeres y hombres (siempre, de momento, en plan hetero). Evidentemente, con múltiples ocasiones para el teatrismo, el patestimo, el ridiculismo y todo lo que pueda acabar en “-ismo” (como “capitalismo”). Y, por supuesto, como “Gran Hermano”, con enormes posibilidades de sentir vergüenza ajena observando el comportamiento de los protagonistas, con ese comentarista de lujo, Pipi Estrada (¡José María García se tiene que estar tirando de los pocos pelos que le quedan!), y esa mujer mayor, haciendo ganchillo, de nombre “la Mari”, que viene a representar el papel de los locos en los dramas shakespearianos o de los coros en las tragedias griegas… expresando en pocas palabras una enorme sabiduría: “en mis tiempos mozos, yo esperé tres años a que mi novio volviera de la mili y le escribía por cartas”.  Respuesta que se puede adapar a cualquier pregunta y que puede servir tanto para tronistas como para aspirantes.

Hay que reconocer que el programa nos es más que una “españolización” de los programas chorracas de la MTV de estilo similar, si bien tratando de aparentar una mayor “seriedad”. Para eso, prefiero los programas estúpidos americanos, en los que hay más honestidad:  la gente sabe que va a lo que va (hay una consciencia mayor del show en sí), menos hipocresía, elementos preparados con un descaro que roza la caradura y, ojo al dato, sin comentaristas como la Esteban y compañía…

Y yo que creía que el tiempo de los OBK ya había pasado, afortunadamente; pero se ve que no…

La Roux stuff

La Roux cred ca are unul dintre cele mai tari albume ale acestui an, abordand un stil electro-pop care e pe gustul meu. Desi nu multa lume stie, La Roux este de fapt un proiect format din solista Elly Jackson si producatorul Ben Langmaid, insa majoritatea publicului asociaza numele proiectului cu numele de scena al cantaretei. Primul single lansat de pe albumul de debut, numit simplu “La Roux“, este “Quicksand” lansat la sfarsitul lui 2008 avand un succes mediu in UK. Abia cel de al doilea single “In for the kill” a reusit sa faca numele La Roux cunoscut in intreaga Europa (mai nou si in US) si chiar si in Romania. Clipul piesei il vedeam destul de des pe Utv iar apoi am vazut si un spot de promovare al intregului album, cu partener media Mtv (si cred ca alaturi de ProFm) iar apoi am auzit piesa si pe cateva posturi de radio. Eu ma bucur ca am reusit sa il gasesc chiar in tara de origine a celor doi, adica UK, chiar inainte sa apara pe la noi. Cel de al treilea single este  “Bulletproof” care beneficiaza de un video inedit si versuri cu atitudine. Al patrulea, dar nu ultimul, single extras de pe album e “I’m not your toy“, care va fi lansat pe 29 septembrie, avand un video destul de amuzant, punand in evidenta stilul iesit din comun al solistei. Se spune ca cel de al cincelea single va fi “As if by magic“, dar inca nu fusese confirmat in mod oficial de catre casa de discuri Polydor.

‘Jay Leno Show’ Reaches 17.7 Million Viewers

Critics may not have loved Jay Leno’s prime-time debut, but 17.7 million viewers tuned in to check him out.

Nielsen Media Research says that’s the biggest audience for a prime-time television show since the “American Idol” finale in May.

Not only was Leno’s debut heavily publicized, but he piggybacked on one of Monday’s biggest stories. Leno had scheduled Kanye West, who was pressed to explain why he interrupted Taylor Swift the night before on the MTV Video Music Awards.

That’s a big boost for NBC, but the challenge will be to hold viewers. Critics were harsh, with Robert Bianco of USA Today slamming it as a “cut-rate, snooze-inducing, rehashed bore.”

(Copyright 2009 by The Associated Press.  All Rights Reserved.)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

My Favorite VMA Moment: 15-Year Old Defends Taylor Swift, Starts Beef?

I returned home late last night after absorbing a brutal pub trivia loss, compounded (or alleviated) by the fact that the winning team included Thom Yorke.  Yes, that Thom Yorke.  I mean, I don’t see how we could have won when out of three categories one was a music round and we were competing against a team with Thom Yorke.  Yes, that Thom Yorke.  From Radiohead.  And another round centered on world geography, and everyone knows Americans have no concept of the world outside of the US (and not much within it).   And Thom Yorke has probably been to more countries than I can name.  So yeah, it was unfair.  Cause they had Thom Yorke.  You know.  Kid A.  OK Computer.  Hail to the Thief.  In Rainbows.  The Eraser.  Yes!  That Thom Yorke (not to be confused with Theodoric of York).

ANYWAY, I came among to find the blogosphere aflutter with talk of Kanye West and his villainous deeds.  I had remembered that the NFL started yesterday, but totally forgot about the VMAs.  But, apparently, by ripping the microphone from a frozen Taylor Swift, Kanye made the show relevant again.  After reading the litany of comments on Facebook and Twitter, I decided to turn on MTV to see if I could catch the replay.   Luckily I tuned in just in time to see Lada Gaga’s brilliant?/tramautizing/bloody/WTF? performance.

However, it was after the next commercial break when my favorite moment arrived.  Coming out to introduce Taylor Swift’s defiant musical performance were Miranda Cosgrove and a previously unknown to me adolescent Canadian singer named Justin Bieber (Dylan and/or Cole Sprouse must have been busy).  What I didn’t know was that Bieber, with the sleeves of his Members Only jacket pushed up past his elbows, was about to defend the honor of Miss Swift:

Got to give the kid credit, he demonstrated some courage, calling out Kanye like that.  I just fear that this will start a beef, and it’s only a matter of time before Kanye strikes back in rap form, backed by fellow stage crasher Lil’ Mama (then again, maybe they’ll bond over the way they both like to wear their circa 1980s jackets).  Something tells me that young Master Bieber is hoping his chivalry will pay off with a kiss from the damsel in distress.  Or at least an opening slot on her sold out next tour. 

And then Swift, still no doubt trying to figure out what the hell happened earlier in the show,  belted out her VMA winning song in an F line subway car.  After riding that train to and from Manhattan for 3 years I can tell you that never happens.  To be honest, it was kind of a cool performance, but you just know there was some guy at the 57th Street Station wondering where the F was the F train.

Oh, and Lady Gaga and Kermit the Frog on the red carpet.  I honestly don’t know what to make of this.

Oh, I guess the joke is “Who is more fake?”

I’ll let you decide.

Kanye's Ego Has Touched the Sky

Kanye West just can’t seem to keep his mouth shut at Music Awards.

Kanye West stole Taylor Swifts moment to shine as she accepted her award for best female video at this years MTV Video Music Awards . Kanye than went on stage and said “Taylor I’m really happy for you, I’ll let you finish, but Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time. One of the best videos of all time!”

A cut away shot to Beyonce showed she was horrified Kanye had taken Taylor’s moment away from her. The crowd didn’t appreciate his gesture either and booed him off stage.

This isn’t the first time Kanye has thrown a temper tantrum on stage, in 2004 he stormed out of the American Music Awards after loosing best new artist to Gretchen Wilson. He said to reporters at the time “I felt like I was definitely robbed and I refused to give any politically correct comment. I was the best new artist of the year!”

Then there was that time at the MTV Europe Music Awards in 2006 where he lost an award for “Touch the Sky”. He interrupted  Justice and Simian’s acceptance speech for “We are Your Friends” and insisted that his video should’ve won because it “cost a million dollars and Pamela Anderson was in it.”

For some reason Kanye believes that there is a conspiracy out there against him when he looses an award to another artist, but I think it is a bit more simple than that. Kanye West does produce good music but he acts like a spoilt child everytime someone better and more deserving wins. Why would the music industry want to reward that behaviour?

Next time Kanye,  let your music do the talking. If you are truly deserving of an award than the music industry will come to the party, but for the mean time do us all a favour, and shut up!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Yet another incidence of Kanye-related failure

I can’t say that I am at all surprised by Mr West’s most recent flagrant display of douchery, however he has definately sunk to a new low.  Maybe I should write this in caps, as that seems to be the only form of text his puny mind is capable of comprehending.


I must say, however; that I was left genuinely impressed by Beyonce Knowles’ uncharacteristically classy display this evening.  She definately won alot of credability tonight.

I had always imagined that her imediate response would be to screech at the crew, abuse her hair and makeup team over her weave, smack any potential younger and more attractive competition in the face (i.e: Taylor Swift) out of the way, try and claim to be the greatest vocalist since Auretha, and then continue to pull at her weave.  However, she showed grace, maurity, and class by letting Taylor have her moment.

So good for her, and more importantly; congradulations to the young Taylor Swift on winning her first award

Funnies: Kayne West, You Cease To Amaze Us

It’s another OMG, LOL moment at the MTV music awards. This has nothing to do with fashion, but I can’t help myself. Whether or not the incident was stage, Kayne West once again surprised us with his unpredicatable antics, this time jumping on stage and interrupting Taylor Swift’s acceptance speach in protest of her win as best female video of the year. He was unabashed in expressing his personal preference by exclaiming, “Taylor you’re great and I’m gonna let you finish, but Beyonce had the best video of all time!”

Kayne, I’m one of those guys who prefers you over Lil Wayne, but this antic subjugates your prior attempts to improve your cocky reputation. I like your songs and continue to express my jealousy over your genius ears, but please keep it to yourself.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

MTV Video Music Awards 2009

Foto: Divulgação

Hoje acontece nos EUA o Video Music Awards 2009. Premiação que já representou muito no mundo da música, foi lá que Madonna apareceu pela primeira vez vestida de noiva cantando o clássico “Like A Virgin”, mas que hoje não passa de um desfile de artistas “modinha” como Lady Gaga. Alias, a bizarra cantora dos hits “Poker Face” e “Just Dance” concorre à nove prêmios e divide com Beyoncé a lideranção em indicações. A “chatinha” do pop Britney Spears vem na sequência com sete.

O evento desta noite promete emocionar os fãs de Michael Jackson, segundo os realizadores, sua irmã Janet Jackson fará uma apresentação em sua homenagem. A grande pergunta da noite, entretanto, não é para quem os prêmios irão e sim se Madonna, a maior artista pop do mundo, se apresentará no VMA. Muitos dizem que ela participará do tributo à Michael, outros dizem que ela promoverá o lançamento de sua coletânea “Celebration“. Essas perguntas serão respondidas hoje às 22h com transmissão da MTV Brasil. E que a grande Madonna esteja lá, porque porcarias como Lady Gaga e Britney Spears ninguém merece!


Saturday, September 12, 2009


Vuelvo momentáneamente en un momento de plena lucidez,  sorprendente ¿no?.

Hace poco estuve escudriñando entre mis cosas viejas y me encontré con un montón de cd’s y cassetes (sí, en mi tiempo el casset era la bomba y esos personal stereo gigantes también, ni hablar de la milenaria técnica de rebobinar el casset con el lápiz pasta bic, simplemente de culto),  y entre el montón de música, pude hallar gratos recuerdos que me atacaron sin compasión, sin exagerar casi pude ver caer una lágrima por mi mejilla (si no la beso el viento la secará(8), los” iracundos”)

Primero revisé lo más antiguo, N’Sync, Backstreet Boys, Aqua, Spice Girls, Five… mi época POP, la moda del momento, tiempos cuando rafael araneda estaba en aquel castillo ubicado en la serena, en el emergente canal La red (que nunca emergió más allá, cosa de ver “pollo en conserva” para darse cuenta de que el canal está peor que el 13 o tvn) y nadie lo conocía. Pocos tenían cable por acá y si mal no recuerdo era carísimo,Gracias a Dios que aquellos tiempos fueron de bonanza en la familia y por ende fue un “lujo” que nos pudimos dar primero que nadie acá en la ciudad. Al empezar a gozar de las bondades del cable conocí oficialmente al famosillo canal MTV, el cual me envolvió con su POP, es decir, Boys Bands por todos lados.

Así irremediablemente Caí en el pop y hasta antes de estos hechos nunca había tenido interés por ir a comprar música, a lo más escuchaba las canciones de juan gabriel, rocío durcal, jose luis perales, ana gabriel, entre otros,  que mi vieja escucha y cantaba cuando enceraba y hacía aseo en la casa, aunque obviamente tenía mis canciones favoritas de aquellos tiempos,que no eran otras que las bailables de las fiestas que empezaban a las 6 de la tarde y terminaban a las 10 u 11, a veces hasta con los padres presentes, me refiero a estas canciones que marcaron mi joven vida en aquél entonces: el baile del perrito, el tractor amarillo, el cúcumelo y el atrevido “baile de la botella” (causo sensación y casi lo prohibieron por ser muy “hot”).

Volviendo a lo inicial, una vez inmerso en el pop, fui juntando mis  $500 pesos (billete) por unos días y fue así como logré recoletar la cantidad de dinero necesaria para obtener mi primer “cargamento” músical. La tarde de aquél día llegaron mis nuevas adquisiciones: Nsync, Five, Backstreet Boys, etc. las cuales escuché toda la noche en mi fiel radio junto a unos amigos, quienes maravillados me plantearon la “genial” idea de recrear las coreografias de nuestros nuevos “ídolos”. En menos de lo que dura un pololeo en estos tiempos, estaba en pleno bailoteo junto a mis amigotes al ritmo de “get down”, “tearing up my hearth” y “when the lights go out”, que tiempos…

Dentro de esos años (1995-1999), muchas tentaciones músicales trataron de apoderarse de mi pero no pudieron, (hip hop traído directo de “tiro de gracia” y su popular canción el “juego verdadero”,”el símbolo” con su 1,2,3, todos para abajo!”, ni hablar del sandunguero “chichi peralta” o “fulanito”).

Sin querer queriendo, como dice el chavo del ocho, paso  algo que cambió mi chip musical y que en su momento me hizo renegar de mis raíces pop,  todo ocurrió cuando probaba mi juguetito nuevo, mi playstation 1 o psx, con la que abandonaba a la fiel super nintendo que tantas alegrías me trajo en su momento.  Cuando terminé de probar la psx, me encontraba absolutamente atontado por la gráficas y vídeos, en ese instante me dije a mi mismo  durante el minuto de reflexión que a veces todos tenemos: “sería genial ver un vídeo músical de esta onda” , como si alguien me leyera el pensamiento, al poner MTV -Cuando era un canal de música no la shit que es hoy– ví ese vídeo que me hizo cambiar mi musical mode, Red Hot Chili Peppers, con el tema “Californication”  y su creativa forma de plasmar en gráficas “gamer” su música me atraparon y  recuerdo con absoluta claridad que fue ese mismo día en el cual partí a comprarme el “cassete” con el excedente de mi compra (Recorte).

Al fin había encontrado una alternativa a los agressor A-Teens que en ese tiempo aparecían en todos lados “Like a super trooper… shinning like the sun, smiling having fun… laralala(8)”, aunque debo reconocer que me recuerdan los besos de la pequeña verónica, la chica de los ojos azules como el cielo, piel blanca como las nubes de un bello día de verano y labios rojos como el corazón del pequeño kyon que en esos tiempos daba unos besos del asco (novato).

Queda tanto que contar, como me volví Rockero, Punk Rock, Como me volví músico, mi conversión de un chico tímido en básica a un acaparador, descarado, admirado, odiado, “canapé” y sexy personaje de la vida estudiantil de la enseñanza media, el paso por la vida política dentro del colegio, el deporte, las chicas, etc.

Quizás algún día lo cuente o escriba…

PD: Cuando recapacité sobre la fechas se me cayó el carné o “carnet” (cédula de identidad) al pensar: “mmm 1995-1996, espera… ¡¡¡eso fue hace 14 años!!!”

El tiempo pasa volando… jajajaj

Por alguna extraña razón la radio está tocando la última canción de Shakira “la loba” repetidas veces y que ya a estas altura ya me la sé, “tengo tacones de aguja magnética, para dejar la manda frenética”… “pasarla muy bien y portarme muy mal en los brazos de algún caballero”… “una loba en el armario, tiene ganas de salia -auuuuuuhh-, deja que se coma el barrio antes de irte a dormir”

Shakira sin duda anda algo “Encendida”~



'darling it is no joke, this is lycanthropy'

SHAKIRA HA VUELTO! shakira’s back! it’s all about comebacks at the minute it seems and next on the docket is the very bendy shakira with a song about being a she wolf. it is brilliant. end of.

as a quick sidenote i remember seeing a show on mtv where some girl got to recreate one of shakira’s music videos and professed to be her biggest fan. i remember it because the girl was really annoying and despite having a rather plain american accent, insisted on tapping the r in shakira. it was incredibly irritating.

anyway, here is the video. it is fantastic in a very cheesy 1980s way. i adore it.

amazing, right? i love all the ah-oooh’s they’re fantastic. this song also has some of the best lyrics in recent memory.

i’ve been devoting myself to you monday to monday and friday to friday

not getting enough retribution or decent incentives to keep me at it

i’m starting to feel just a little abused like a coffee machine in an office

so i’m gonna go somewhere cozy to get me a lover and tell you about it

sitting across a bar, staring right at her prey

it’s going well so far, she’s gonna get her way

nocturnal creatures are not so prudent

the moon’s my teacher and i’m her student


lycanthropy = the magical ability to assume the form and characteristics of a wolf.

shakira’s she wolf = bloody brilliant


Friday, September 11, 2009

We Heart Good Music, Let's get it on MTV!!!!

MTV CONTEST To aid the next biggest star!!! Let’s get the music WE want on MTV and help encourage a generation of emerging artists.♥♥♥♥♥

MTV partnered with Garnier Fructis is holding a contest where they will have the public vote on which of the four artists listed on the site will be featured on MTV and many more prizes along with that.

This is an excellent opportunity for viewers like us to express our opinion about the music we love and support dedicated artists. Go to:

and vote for the artists you love the most and help them get to the next level in their career.



Featured artists are: J. Davey, Sparks Rescue, Los Hollywood and Vogue in the Moment.  C’mon people this is what NFC stands for, devotion to our industries through encouragement of serious and devoted artists. When you get to the site you can listen to the music from each artist/band and we ask that when you do please leave some feedback here for others. Let us Know what you think about the contest and more importantly the artists!!

Help others and you too will be helped one day!!!


Rno's VMA Predictions

It’s that year again where your forced to watch the VMA’s. Either due to a highly anticipated performance by your favorite artist or simply to tune in for the unpredictable madness (though not so much unpredictability). Last year I tuned in to watch Kanye perform for the first time Love Lockdown, I had to sit for three hours of bullshit. I know I know, I could have turn the TV off till the performance but part of me wanted to see if there’s was anything extravagant that was going to breakout, buuuuuut, nothing. This year however I have no expectations, other than the Michael Jackson tribute, so I decided to save you some time and predict the winners. SIDEBAR: MY PREDICTIONS HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH MY TASTE IN MUSIC OR MY APPROVAL OF THE ARTIST IS SIMPLY JUST WHAT I THINK TYPICAL MTV WILL DO.


Lady Gaga – Poker Face

Katy Perry – Hot n Cold

Beyonce – Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)

P!nk – So What

Taylor Swift – You Belong With Me

Kelly Clarkson – My Life Would Suck Without You

REASON: Although I think it’s going to be a Lady Gaga love fest this year, I just don’t see how the video with most amount of parodies will lose this one.


Kanye West – Love Lockdown

Jay-Z – D.O.A.

Ne-Yo – Miss Independent

Eminem – We Made You

T.I feat. Rihanna – Live Your Life

REASON: If there was a full Armenian voting panel, T.I takes it, however I think Kanye will take this one. To me it’s the only video that actually goes above and beyond to make us pay attention to the video.


Lady Gaga – Poker Face

Beyonce – Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)

Britney Spears – Womanizer

Cobra Starship – Good Girls Go Bad

Wisin Y Yandel – Abusadora

REASON – This is a tough one but I’m going with either Britney or Gaga… fuck it Gaga.


Coldplay – Viva La Vida

Fallout Boy – I Don’t Care

Green Day – 21 Guns

Kings of Leon – Use Somebody

Paramore – Decode

REASON – Ugh. I see them giving it to Green Day, because they gargle their balls, but I trust they will make the right decision and give it to Coldplay.




JAY-Z – D.O.A.





Asher Roth – I Love College

Lady Gaga – Poker Face

Drake – Best I Ever Had

Kid Cudi – Day N Nite

3oh!3 – Don’t Trust Me

REASON – Fans get to vote for this one, and I see tons of fat girls using their floating fingers to vote for their apparent GOD.


Beyonce – Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)

Lady Gaga – Poker Face

Kanye West – Love Lockdown

Eminem – We Made You

Britney Spears – Womanizer

REASON – Only because I think it’s the only video that made the biggest impact this year, if B doesn’t take this down I see Gaga winning this based purely on MTV pushing for Gaga to be the next Madonna, nah, at least Madonna gave me a boner at least once.

The other ones… ehhhhh, fuck em, they never get recognition even though they’re probably the best videos out there. Sorry blame life.


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Mike Strutter !

Pornind de la tematica:”Fututi mortii matii !” m-am gandit ca hai s-o fac si p-asta. Acum cativa ani, 2 cred … pe MTV se transmitea si inca se transmite o emisiune de divertisment, cu mult umor negru si multi “cocksuckers”. Daca nu ati ghicit inca, e relativ simplu daca esti fanul lui si neaparat vrei sa vezi cum de exemplu sa zicem un degustator de vin primeste o sticla in cap sau vrei sa vezi cum poti face milioane de lire sterline doar cu ajutorul unei masini care iti contorizeaza injuraturile in emisiune. Tot nu ati ghicit ? Damn … atunci na ici poza …

Dap, el este Mike Strutter … aplauze va rog … si daca nu stiti cu ce se ocupa hai sa va vand un pot … provoaca durere, multa durere, fumeaza, bea (numai Jack desigur ), trage pe nass … deci ce mai vrei de la el ? E un nebun care uraste “motherfuckerii” si critica pe oricine il enerveaza … vreti inca un exemplu ? Iete ici:

Deci tipul asta e atat de genial incat a intrat in cartea recordurilor pentru cele mai multe injuraturi intr-o singura emisiune televizata. Din pacate nebunia nu a durat decat 2 sezoane a cate 8 episoade pentru ca MTV primea prea multe amenzi si sanctiuni pentru ca emisiune avea un potential al violentei “pana la Doamne Doamne si inapoi” ).

Daca vrei sa citesti mai multe cu si despre baiatu asta: ->

Cam atat deocamdata. Multumesc daca ai citit si comentat. Apreciez !


The Beatles Rock Band chegô ô ô!

Awwwwwwnnn, queroporquequeroequeroagora!

Maravileeendro não? Chegou hj as lojas o jogo The Beatles Rock Band e eu não vejo a hora de jogar essa preciosidade! E dá uma olhada na sensacional propaganda para divulgação do game:

ps: definitivamente é o meu jogo, LOVE Rock Band, LOVE Guitar Hero! Serião! Jogo mil! Sou péssimo na guitarra, mas na bateria eu ahazô!


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

[09.09.2009] Soshi trên MTV

SNSD là nhóm nhạc Hàn được MTV đánh giá cao nhất

SNSD/Girls Generation là nhóm nhạc nữ của Hàn Quốc được MTV đánh giá cao nhất trong các nhóm nhạc.

Ngày 01/09/2009 vừa qua, MTV đã có một loạt bài viết đánh giá các nhóm nhạc Hàn Quốc trên phương tiện của mình: Tạp chí MTV, website của MTV và trên kênh truyền hình của MTV. Theo đó thì trong các nhóm nhạc Hàn Quốc thì SNSD/Girls Generation là nhóm nhạc được đánh giá cao nhất. Theo người phụ trách của MTV thì khi họ cho tiếp sóng các ca khúc của Girls Generation (1 nhóm nhạc trẻ Hàn Quốc đang rất được giới trẻ Mỹ cũng như giới trẻ thế giới hâm mộ) thì lượng người xem MTV lập tức tăng 1,7% tại thời điểm đó (Nên nhớ MTV là kênh ca nhạc toàn cầu và thử tính sơ sơ xem 1,7% tổng số người xem MTV thì bạn nghĩ sẽ có bao nhiêu người! Ko hề nhỏ đâu!) Và họ nhận được 277 lời yêu cầu phát sóng lại cũng như đưa ca khúc của SNSD vào làm ca khúc phát sóng thường xuyên của MTV.

MTV đã thực hiện 1 cuộc điều tra nhỏ về Girls Generation và kết quả là:

Trong số những người đã được nghe các ca khúc của SNSD thì có 77,9% số người được hỏi nói rằng họ muốn nghe lại ca khúc của SNSD.

Trong số những người tìm hiểu về âm nhạc Han Quốc thì có 86,2% số người đánh giá cao SNSD.

Trong 7 nhà phê bình âm nhạc được hỏi thì cả 7 đều nhận xét SNSD là nhóm nhạc trẻ tài năng và có triển vọng của Hàn Quốc.

Và còn 1 điều nữa là Mỹ là 1 trong 4 nước có số fans của SNSD tại nước ngoài đông nhất. Nếu tính tổng số fans nước ngoài của Soshi thì sân vận động” Tổ chim” của Trung Quốc cũng ko đủ chỗ đâu^^.

Nguồn: Here!!!

V-Tran: Snsd_ohmylove

(Thx anh Hưng rất nhiều bài này nhé. Khi đc đọc các kết quả điều tra này e tháy rất vui và rất tự hào khi mình là 1 Sone)


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

MTV to honor Michael Jackson during the VMAs

The year of 2009 has become the year of the King as every television outlet has chronicled the star. The 2009 BET Awards were dedicated to Michael Jackson, as were many other programs. Now, it is MTV’s turn.

MTV owes a lot of its success to Michael Jackson because he single-handedly evolved the music video. It is safe to say that without Jackson, there would be no MTV. The executives at MTV realize this and they realize that Michael Jackson is an attention-grabber.

The network’s other headline is their yearly Video Music Awards. This year, they have decided to honor the man who built the network into what it is. Michael Jackson died earlier this year and all of Viacom’s music networks have had tributes for the fallen star.

The VMAs have a wider audience and more respect from attendees than the BET Awards, so maybe Michael Jackson will receive a proper memorial during this ceremony as opposed to the one in June. The network has also had other tributes for Jackson over the summer.

The 2009 MTV Video Music Awards will premiere on September 13, 2009 at 8:00 pm.


Monday, September 7, 2009

Notas do Dia

Nem acabou “Caminho das Índias” e Rodrigo Lombardi, o Raj, já está escalado para uma próxima novela da Globo. Em “Passione”, de Silvio de Abreu, que em 2010 substituirá “Viver a Vida”, ele formará um triângulo amoroso com Débora Falabella, por quem será apaixonado, e Alessandra Negrini, que o amará loucamente.


A Globo vai reproduzir no Projac um pedaço da Galeria do Rock, centro de SP, famoso por suas lojas de CDs. A galeria da Globo se chamará Galeria dos Manos. Será cenário de sua próxima novela das sete, ainda sem nome, no ar em janeiro.


Por determinação recente do Cade (Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica), a Sky voltou a distribuir o sinal da MTV, com quem trava batalha jurídica desde 2008. Mas a Sky está fornecendo o canal apenas a quem foi assinante da extinta DirecTV. Colocou a emissora no canal 143 e a identifica apenas como “variedades”

Fonte: Outro Canal



A quicker beat makes this song a million times better! “Empire Of The Sun” have hit the nail square on the head in a very quick manner. They’re big everywhere else but North America. Hopefully that’ll change and hopefully it won’t. North American charts, radio, MTV etc. have a tendency to overplay and butcher music. Maybe the US & Canada … Did I say Canada? Canadian charts just ride whatever Ryan Seacrest says so that doesn’t really matter but the US will either destroy these guys by overplays or they’ll be the next “Fray” with they’re tracks on the tube. The long of the short is, please handle “Empire Of The Sun” with care! They’re a music wonder that has been needed for quite some time. Please share your thoughts. I’m more than interested to see your side. Enjoy!


Shawn Merriman, Tila Tequila Domestic Violence

  Tila giving Shawne a lap dance at the club Shawne Merriman has been arrested for choking and restraining Tila Tequila.

                                    According to the,  

   San Diego Chargers linebacker Shawne Merriman was reportedly arrested early Sunday morning for   allegedly chokingand restraining   his girlfriend.

The San Diego Union-Tribune reported Merriman’s girlfriend, Tila Tequila — the star of a former reality show on MTV, whose real name is Tila Nguyen — signed a citizen’s arrest complaint that charged the linebacker with battery and false imprisonment.

The paper also reported deputies went to Merriman’s home just before 4:00 a.m. in response to a disturbance call. Tequila reportedly told them she was choked, thrown to the ground and restrained by Merriman upon attempting to leave.

Merriman was reportedly released just after 11:00 a.m.

Per TMZ,  Merriman’s attorney states that Tila Tequila (Tila Nguyen) was intoxicated and attempted to leave Merriman’s home.   Merriman tried to stop her so she would not endanger herself.

Not to blow this off, because the allegations are serious.  Was Tequila his girlfriend or his jump off?

Photos of the  two at the club prior to the police came knocking. 

Shawne-bottom, tila center and unknown female top


Sunday, September 6, 2009

New TNA Webmatch

Shark Boy takes on Consequences Creed in the latest TNA web match. This wasn’t the cleanest match I have seen, but minus a botch, it certainly isn’t the worst. I have been high on Creed and Sharky for a while now and I really would like to see them on some kind of team to take on World Elite.

Video from TNAWrestling’s Youtube Channel.

In other news, AJ Styles will be on MTV’s Made tonight to mentor a girl who wants to be a pro wrestler. That is definitely something to check out.


Friday, September 4, 2009

Música/TV_Novidades VMB e VMA 2009

Há menos de um mês da premiação anual da MTV, foram divulgados nesta quinta (03.09) os indicados a uma das principais categorias, a de Videoclipe do Ano. O destaque é a mistura de estilos e a presença de bandas e artistas não conhecidos do grande público. Porém a lista é seleta e composta por ótimos vídeos. Confira:

Videoclipe do Ano

_Black Drawing Chalks_My Favorite Way

_Cachorro Grande_Dance Agora


_Júpiter Maçã_Modern Kid

_Mallu Magalhães_Vanguart

_Nando Reis_Ainda Não Passou

_Nervoso e Os Calmantes_Eu Que Não Estou Mais Aqui

_O Rappa_Súplica Cearense

_Pública_Casa Abandonada


As votações para essa e as outras 25 categorias estão abertas no site da MTV (clique aqui para votar). Lembrando também que o VMB 2009 terá performances de Franz Ferdinand, Erasmo Carlos, Wanessa & Ja Rule e Massacration com a participação de Falcão. Outras performances e os convidados serão anunciados em breve.

Beyoncé também estará no VMA 09


Beyoncé se apresentará com o novo single “Sweet Dreams” no VMA 2009. A cantora, que faz aniversário hoje (04.09 – Parabéns Beyoncé) entra na lista que já tem seu marido Jay-Z, Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift, Muse, P!nk e Green Day. Além deles, The All-American Rejects, os rappers Pitbull e Wale e a dupla 3OH!3 estarão tocando durante a premiação seus sucessos e os principais hits do ano. Já na seleção dos convidados, Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart e Taylor Lautner estarão apresentando um novo trailler de “Lua Nova”, da saga Crepúsculo. Agora é contagem regressiva para a premiação que acontece no domingo, 13.09, com transmissão ao vivo da MTV Brasil. Fique ligado!


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Oprah & Jay-Z: She Loosens Up For A One-On-One Interview With The Rapper

Sorry folks, I am not a hip-hop or modern rap fan.   So this interview with Jay-Z does nothing for me.   I tend to like underground music from people like Murs and Santigold (formerly Santogold).

What I find intersting, though, is that Oprah has been very vocal about her dislike of misogynistic rappers and their music.  She stands strong and firm against distasteful rap songs that degrade women and she certainly can’t stand anyone who uses the N-word.  I don’t get why people still coddle the N-word.

We all know what it means and there is no sane way to “disarm” it.  In my experience, people just ignore what it means an move on from there.

Do other races go around calling each other “spic”,  “Wap” or “wet back” then say, “We just call each other that.  Nothing is necessary.”

Did she include Jay-Z in this list of rappers she would not host or have on her show? I don’t know, really. But, what I do know is that Mr. Beyonce Knowles will be hitting the Oprah show in her upcoming new season.

Here’s a tiny taste of the interview:

Oprah: Many of the little boys who grew up in the Marcy projects are either in jail or dead. Why do you think you got to grow up and buy your mom a house?

Jay-Z: There’s the gift, there’s the spirit, and there’s the work—all three have to come together. If one of those things is off, it can stop you from becoming who you were meant to be.

Oprah: When I met you a few years ago, we discussed our disagreement over the use of the N word and misogynist lyrics in rap music. Do you believe that using the N word is necessary?

Jay-Z: Nothing is necessary. It’s just become part of the way we communicate. My generation hasn’t had the same experience with that word that generations of people before us had. We weren’t so close to the pain. So in our way, we disarmed the word. We took the fire pin out of the grenade.

All the work that the NAACP went through to bury the damn N-word and rappers just dig up the bones.  Will they ever learn?  I bet that if you had a National N-Word Day, where you went around calling people the N-word ALL DAY….Maybe then, black folks might get the hint that they shouldn’t be singing, rapping or saying it at all.



Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Talk @ Playground: Lass Dich von den größten und kreativsten Stars inspirieren

Talk @ Playground: Lass Dich von den größten und kreativsten Stars inspirieren
  • ‘Talk @ Playground’ ab sofort on air bei MTV in Europa und Asien
  • Mit Lady Gaga, Marilyn Manson, Katy Perry, Lars Ulrich, und Pharrell Williams


Wer sich schon immer gefragt hat, wie einige der führenden Namen der Fashionwelt, Musik- und Kunstszene ihre Inspiration finden, der sollte MTV einschalten um eine Menge künstlerische Überflieger zu sehen, die erzählen wie sie ticken und wie sie auf ihre Ideen kommen.

Anders als in gewöhnlichen Celebrity-Interviews, treffen sich bei ‘Talk @ Playground’ achtmal zwei visionäre Künstler, um sich an atemberaubenden  Plätzen dieser Welt auszutauschen. Das Resultat ist eine Serie von Kurzprogrammen oder Mini-Kreativ-Brainstormings, die auf MTV und online seit dem 30. August laufen. Die komplette Serie, inklusive bisher nicht im TV gezeigten Zusatzmaterial, gibt es unter

‘Talk @ Playground’ geht unter die Haut von künstlerischen Genies und gibt Tipps an alle zukünftigen Kreativ-Superstars. Den Anfang macht Sängerin und Style-Ikone Lady Gaga. Sie wurde mit Designer Craig Lawrence in Manchester gefilmt. Ein Gespräch über Entwurfsideen, Kunst und Andy Warhol, Modedesign und die Kunst des Zusammenarbeitens. Gefolgt von Marilyn Manson und Enfant Terrible-Filmmacher Gaspar Noe, die in einem beeindruckenden französischen Schloss in der Nähe von Lyon über Themen wie Spiritualität, Kritiker und Kritik und die Kraft ihrer Kunst debattieren. In Tokio diskutieren Popstar Katy Perry und der gefeierte indische Modedesigner Manish Arora wie Kreativität von einer großen Zahl an Quellen wie einer Kultur, einer Farbe oder sogar von einem Spielzeug inspiriert wird. Außerdem wurde in Rom Metallica‑Gründer Lars Ulrich in einem Gespräch mit Designer Marc Newson über Set-Design, Architektur und ihre einschlägigen Einflüsse gefilmt. Eine weitere in Tokio gefilmte Unterhaltung: von den Black Eyed Peas und Hiroshi Fujiwara, der Vater der Harajuku-Kultur. Beide reden über die Beziehungen zwischen Musik, Mode und Technologie sowie ihre visuellen Philosophien. Letztendlich finden Musik und Kunst zusammen, in einem Gespräch über Inspiration von Grammy Award-Gewinner Pharrell Wiliams mit dem Künstler KAWS.

Die Sendung bietet jede Menge Sichtweisen künstlerischer Inspiration und Hinweise für angehende Künstler und junge Talente.

Beispielsweise sieht Sänger Marilyn Manson Kunst als das Sein: “Kreation ist Spiritualität”. Designer Hiroshi Fujiwara gibt folgenden Rat um seiner eigenen kreativen Vision nachzugehen: “Das Einzige was man machen muss, ist weniger technisch zu sein. Sei einfach frei. Man darf sich selbst nicht als Trendsetter sehen. Ich mache einfach, was ich möchte und versuche zu jedem ehrlich zu sein“.

Technologie gibt ihm die Möglichkeit, seine kreativen Ideen auszuweiten, meint “Die Technik hat so vieles möglich gemacht…aber ich glaube das Leben selbst inspiriert am Meisten. Persönliche Erfahrungen, Ängste, Schmerzen, Wünsche”, sagt Regisseur Gaspar Noe.

“Ich glaube ich werde von allem und jedem inspiriert – Dinge, die Menschen als unwichtig oder als Kitsch betrachten”, stimmt Manish Arora zu. “Technik ist großartig. Sie macht das Leben leichter, die Vorgänge schneller, aber gleichzeitig sollte man seine Geschichte und Tradition nicht vergessen. Doch mit einer Kombination aus Beidem wird man es richtig machen”.

Swatch MTV Playground ist eine Community in der aufstrebende Künstler ihre eigenen kreativen Visionen uploaden können, mit der Chance tolle Preise zu gewinnen. Außerdem besteht die Möglichkeit Teil der Swatch MTV Playground Ausstellung zu werden, bei der die besten Arbeiten aus ganz Europa und Asien präsentiert werden. Highlights der Events und einige der besten ausgestellten Arbeiten werden außerdem in die zukünftigen Sendungen eingebunden.

Weiterhin wird es zusätzliche Shows über die ausgewählten Gewinner der Imagine Time In The Future-Competiton geben. Dies weitet außerdem den Einsatz von Swatch und MTV aus, junge Talente in der ganzen Welt zu promoten, zu unterstützen und zu fördern.

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MTV steht für Musik, internationale Erfolgsformate und ist Trendsetter im Bereich digitale Unterhaltung. MTV setzt auf progressive Musik, spielt die Clips der “Real Artists” und fördert mit seinem Artist Development-Programm ‘MTV Push’ junge talentierte Künstler. ‘MTV Home’ und ‘brand:neu’ senden aus den Berliner Studios und liefern neben jeder Menge Musik auch allerlei Gossip. ‘MTV Urban Clips’ und ‘MTV Rockzone Clips’ spielen die heißesten Songs ihres Genres und ‘MTV World Stage’ bringt jeden Freitag die größten Stars auf die Bühnen rund um den Globus.

MTV ist progressiv, mutig und lanciert bis zu 25 neue Showformate pro Jahr. Internationale Reality-Shows wie ‘Paris Hilton’s My New BFF’ oder ‘Life of Ryan’, Dating-Shows wie ‘MTV Next’ und ‘A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila’ unterhalten, polarisieren, provozieren und begeistern das Publikum. Mit ‘Game One’ hat MTV ein einzigarties Gaming-Magazin erschaffen und ‘Jokos Roadtrip’ besticht durch ein einmaliges 360-Grad Konzept. MTV ist Host großer Shows mit internationalem Starflair: Die ‘MTV Video Music Awards’, die ‘MTV Movie Awards’ und die ‘MTV Europe Music Awards’ bringen Glamour und Rock’n Roll auf den Bildschirm. Auch in Deutschland liefert MTV mit der ‘MTV Campus Invasion’ und dem Fashion-meets-Music Event ‘MTV Designerama’ abwechslungsreiche und hochkarätige Events. MTV ist kreativer Vorreiter in Sachen Sound, Look und Style und definiert mit seinem urbanen und subkulturell geprägten, unkonventionellen Erscheinungsbild den State of the Art von On-Air-Design und Graphics neu. In den Bereichen Internet, Mobile Marketing und Digitalfernsehen bleibt MTV seiner Pionierrolle treu: ist seit Jahren die größte und erfolgreichste Jugendwebsite für News und Entertainment im deutschsprachigen Raum. Das integrierte Videoportal auf ( ergänzt mit breitem Content, Exklusivmaterial und Vorabpremieren das On Air Programm von MTV optimal.

Das klassische Programmangebot wird durch die acht Pay-Kanäle MTV Entertainment, MTV TWO, MTV HITS, MTV DANCE, MTV MUSIC, VH1, VH1 Classic sowie das HD-Angebot MTVNHD ergänzt. Flankiert werden diese kontinuierlichen Investitionen mit innovativen Marketingmaßnahmen über alle Plattformen. MTV Central sendet seit 1997 in deutscher Sprache und erreicht heute über 41 Millionen Haushalte in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. MTV International erreicht über eine Milliarde Menschen weltweit.

MTV Networks Germany GmbH


Agorafabulous Agorathankyoulous

What an awesome time I had doing the first run of my show, AGORAFABULOUS!, at the PIT in NYC. The show grew over time and, I think, got better and better. Now it’s time to go into rehearsals to prepare for Chicago on September 19th, Boston on October 4th, and Los Angeles on October 26th and November 2nd. Tickets for Chicago and L.A. are here!

Those rehearsals, incidentally, will take place at Simple Studios, which is also owned by the man behind the PIT, Mister Ali Farahnakian. I’m going to be spending some coin running around to these lovely cities and buying all their delicious local food and booze, so I’m relieved to have found a rehearsal space in my home city with VERY reasonable costs.

Thank you to the PIT, especially Michael, Teresa, Ali, and Katie!

I was so fortunate to get to rock the show below the Mason-Dixon as I workshopped it for NYC. To that end, thanks so much to Zach Ward at DSI Comedy Theater in Carrboro, NC, where the show had its first workshop. Thanks also to the wonderful girls I met in Austin, including Girls Girls Girls Improv and their Ladies Are Funny Festival and Danna Williams. Thank you to the amazing improv troupe The Have Nots of Charleston, SC, who let me perform at the incredible and inspiring Theatre 99! Thanks to Ces for enduring endless rounds of me reciting monologues and pacing back and forth nervously.

Big gay thanks are in order to Whitesmith Entertainment for rocking shit to the fullest. They have a fabulous roster of entertainers of many types, and if you are a rich kid booking your bar/bat mitzvah you should totally hire all of us to perform for you and your many friends. This is especially true if you think you might grow up to be homosexual. Thanks to Keri, Emily, Katrina, Lydia, Sarah, and everybody else!

Thank you to Richard Beowulf Jones for tech awesomeness and for great suggestions!

Thanks to all the folks who came to see the show multiple times, most especially John, who gave me great feedback and helped me make the show better.

Thanks are always due to Mom and Dad and Katherine and Alex, without whom this show would not exist because I’d probs be dead and stuff. Although I like to think I’d be doing some kickass one-woman performances in the afterlife. Maybe Dead Me would be more into puppetry than stand-up and storytelling, but whatevs.

And THANK YOU to everyone who came to the shows in NC, TX, SC, and NYC!

On to Chicago, Boston, and L.A. …


Sara B.


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Stiles is that you – MTV Remakes ‘Teen Wolf’

Yup, at this point I don’t think we can get off the remake train, because as soon as you think they’re done, there are more. The latest in the fiasco is another one from childhood, Teen Wolf.

MTV has ordered a pilot presentation of its Teen Wolf remake, a project first announced in January. As could be expected, it sounds like they’re trying to make it palatable to Twilight fans — according to MTV’s Liz Gateley, the update will be a “dramatic thriller” centered around two semipopular friends (one of whom is a teen wolf, of course) and will feature a romance.


"Legally Blonde: The Musical"

“Legally Blonde: The Musical” -

Looking for a little bit of frivolous fun, I went off to see the musical version of “Legally Blonde” at the Los Angeles Pantages Theater this past weekend. It was a ditzy, delightful concoction of biting satire in which the characters embodied the very comedic essence of the original film, made famous by Reese Witherspoon in her darling pink wardrobe.

The play introduced Becky Gulsvig as Elle Woods and Rhiannon Hansen as Margot, both finalists in MTV’s reality show “Legally Blonde: The Search for the Next Elle Woods.” Those young women proved that they were the true heirs of the Elle Woods’ crown and sang and dance their hearts out. They were dazzling to watch and hear sing.

Another delightful standout was Sara Andreas who played the exercise fitness queen accused of murder, Brooke Wyndham. I am not sure where she found the energy to do those incredible dance routines, but I felt breathless for her just watching her dance through it all. Her “Whipped Into Shape” number in the jail with all the inmates and jump ropes was particularly fun to watch.

Then filling the big shoes of Jennifer Coolidge and Bruce Thomas, who played Paulette and the UPS guy in the film version, were Natalie Joy Johnson and Spencer Howard. Just like film, these two characters humorous dance of lust nearly stole the show when they were on stage.

Also surprisingly spectacular was Megan Lewis playing Vivienne, Warner’s uptight finance, whose voice was operatic in resonance and simply captivating.

And last but not least, was D.B. Bond who played Emmett, the teaching assistant that rallied Elle’s spirits and encouraged her to pursue her dreams. Through some clever use of costuming, he started out as geeky and unassuming looking as you might imagine a teaching assistant might be. But as the play moved along, his wardrobe took a nice detour and the next thing you knew, there was suddenly a stunning looking young man on stage and you wondered where on earth they had been hiding him. Hiding in plain sight is always a tricky maneuver, but he pulled it off with such deft slight of hand.

The other key scene stealers that got the biggest “aaahs” were the adorable puppies used to play Bruiser and Paulette’s bulldog that she reclaims from her no-good ex-boyfriend with Elle’s quick-thinking legal aid. While not on stage very often, every time the puppies had a scene, they came right on out and performed perfectly. It brought a level of realism that livened up the entire production and got everyone’s attention wishing for more scenes with the puppies. (It should be noted that the puppies were rescued and adopted specially for the production and thus deserve special recognition for such a magnificent achievement and fairy-tale ending of their own.)

All in all, it made for one extraordinary performance in which everyone was enthralled and happy to share in the wondrous experience. Kudos to everyone associates with such an amazing production!

(“Legally Blonde: The Musical” music and lyrics by Laurence O’Keefe and Nell Benjamin, produced by Kristin Caskey and Mike Isaacson, and based on the MGM film and the book by Amanda Brown.)
